A | |
archive_entry [ArchiveTraversal] |
The type of archive entries (either simple Zip entry, or with
associated data as a string).
array_instance [Serialization] |
The type of array instances.
array_type [Descriptor] |
Definition of Java array types.
array_type_signature [Signature] | |
B | |
base_parameters [Command] |
The type of basic command parameters.
bound [Version] |
The type representing version bounds for a given feature.
bounds [Version] |
The type representing version intervals.
builder [Graph] |
The type of graph builder.
bytes [UTF8Impl] |
A bare alias for
string ,
used to underline its use as an array of bytes.
C | |
class_initializer [Method] |
Represents a class initializer method.
class_signature [Signature] | |
class_type_signature [Signature] | |
class_type_signature_suffix [Signature] | |
code_attribute [Attribute] | |
code_value [Attribute] | |
constant_value [Attribute] |
Constant values used by ConstantValue attribute.
constructor [Method] |
Represents an instance constructor method.
creator [Manifest] |
The type representing manifest creator.
D | |
dependency_kind [Attribute] |
The kinds of module-to-module dependencies.
descriptor [Serialization] |
The type of class descriptors.
destination [Assembler] |
The type of assembly destination.
E | |
edge [Graph] |
The type of graph edges.
edge [ControlFlow] |
The type of graph edges,
'a being the type of edge destinations.
elem [InvertibleArray.S] | |
element [ConstantPool] |
Type for constant pool entry.
element_value [Annotation] | |
enclosing_element [Attribute] |
Kinds of elements.
enclosing_method_value [Attribute] | |
entry [Manifest] |
The type of entry-specific information.
error [Version] | |
error [UTF8LexerStateImpl] | |
error [UTF8Impl] | |
error [UCharImpl] | |
error [StackState] | |
error [Signature] | |
error [Serialization] | |
error [Reference] | |
error [PackageDefinition] | |
error [OutputStream] | |
error [Name] | |
error [ModuleDefinition] | |
error [Method] | |
error [Lookup] | |
error [Lexer] | |
error [LdcConstraint] | |
error [Instruction] | |
error [InputStream] | |
error [GraphPrinter] | |
error [FlowPrinter] | |
error [Field] | |
error [Descriptor] | |
error [ControlFlow] | |
error [ConstantPool] | |
error [ClassPath] | |
error [ClassLoader] | |
error [ClassFile] | |
error [ClassDefinition] | |
error [ByteCode] | |
error [Bootstrap] | |
error [Attribute] | |
error [Assembler] | |
error [ArchiveBuilder] | |
error [Annotation] | |
error [AccessFlag] | |
exception_table_element [Attribute] | |
extendable [ConstantPool] |
Type for extendable constant pools (used for conversion from class
definitions to class files.
extended [Annotation] |
Represents an extended annotation in high-level form.
extended_info [Annotation] |
Represents an extended annotation as defined in the class file
format specification.
F | |
field_type_signature [Signature] | |
field_value [Serialization] |
The type of field values.
flattening_infos [Code] |
The type used to label nodes of a flattened graph.
for_class [Name] |
The type of class names.
for_class [Lookup] |
The type of queries about classes.
for_class [Attribute] |
Possible attributes for a class.
for_class [AccessFlag] |
Possible flags for a class.
for_constructor [Reference] |
Type for references to a constructor (class name, and parameter list).
for_constructor [Lookup] |
The type of queries about constructors.
for_constructor [AccessFlag] |
Possible flags for a constructor.
for_field [Reference] |
Type for references to a field (class name, field name, and field descriptor).
for_field [Name] |
The type of field names.
for_field [Lookup] |
The type of queries about fields.
for_field [Descriptor] |
Type for field descriptor.
for_field [Attribute] |
Possible attributes for a field.
for_field [AccessFlag] |
Possible flags for a field.
for_initializer [AccessFlag] |
Possible flags for an initializer.
for_inner_class [AccessFlag] |
Possible flags for an inner-class.
for_instruction [ControlFlow] |
The type representing control flow information for an instruction.
for_method [Reference] |
Type for references to a method (class name, method name, and method descriptor).
for_method [Name] |
The type of method names.
for_method [Descriptor] |
Type for method descriptor, first component is the list of formal
parameters while second component is the return type.
for_method [Attribute] |
Possible attributes for a method.
for_method [AccessFlag] |
Possible flags for a method.
for_module [Name] |
The type of module names.
for_module [Attribute] |
Possible attributes for a module.
for_module [AccessFlag] |
Possible flags for a module.
for_package [Name] |
The type of package names.
for_package [Attribute] |
Possible attributes for a package.
for_package [AccessFlag] |
Possible flags for a package.
for_parameter [Descriptor] |
Type for parameter descriptor, bare alias of
for_field used for
increased readability.
for_regular_method [Lookup] |
The type of queries about regular methods.
formal_type_parameter [Signature] | |
format [Graph] |
The type of all output formats.
G | |
graph [ControlFlow] |
The type of control flow graphs for methods (actually
'a and 'b being respectively the types of
vertex and edge labels.
I | |
info [Method] |
Represents a method as defined in the class file format specification.
info [Field] |
Represents a field as defined in the class file format specification.
info [Attribute] |
Represents an attribute as defined in the class file format specification.
info [Annotation] |
Represents an annotation as defined in the class file format
info_element_value [Annotation] | |
inner_class_element [Attribute] | |
instance [StackState] |
Type abbreviation, used to represent any Java instance.
instance [Serialization] |
The type of classical instances
(association from fields to values).
instruction [ByteCode] |
The type of instructions.
integer_error [Utils] |
Error describing an integer exception.
intervals [Annotation] |
Intervals, that is (start, length, index) triple where: start is the begin of the interval in the code;, length is the size of the interval;, index is the position of the local variable.
J | |
java_type [Lookup] |
Definition of Java types, akin to
Descriptor.java_type but with
extra cases: `Generic id to encode a generic type variable designed by an
identifier;, `Wildcard to encode the special name "_" that can be used
to match any type.
java_type [Descriptor] |
Definition of Java types.
jump_kind [ControlFlow] |
The type representing the kind of condition associated with a jump instruction.
K | |
kind [Reference] |
Type for reference kinds to an element from a method handle.
L | |
lexer_state_error [Utils] | |
line_mapper [ControlFlow] |
The type of functions mapping code offsets to associated source line
local_variable_table_element [Attribute] | |
local_variable_type_table_element [Attribute] | |
locals [StackState] |
The type of locals: integer-index type information.
location [Annotation] |
Location, that is list of indexes used to disambiguate an annotation target.
long_offset [Instruction] |
The type of long offsets for jump instructions.
long_offset [ByteCode] |
The type of long offsets for jump instructions.
M | |
method_argument [Bootstrap] |
The type for bootstrap arguments used by invokedynamic instructions.
method_handle [Bootstrap] |
The type for bootstrap methods used by invokedynamic instructions.
method_signature [Signature] | |
method_specifier [Bootstrap] |
The type of method specifiers, that is complete bootstrap information
for an invokedynamic instruction.
methods [Bootstrap] |
The type of information to be actually stored in a class file.
modified [UTF8Impl] |
The type of UTF8 strings in modified format, as they appear in
Java class files (cf.
N | |
non_void_java_type [Lookup] |
Definition of Java types, akin to
Descriptor.non_void_java_type but
with extra cases: `Generic id to encode a generic type variable designed by an
identifier;, `Wildcard to encode the special name "_" that can be used
to match any type.
non_void_java_type [Descriptor] |
Definition of Java types.
O | |
object_value [Serialization] |
The type of object instances.
P | |
parameter [Instruction] |
Type of instruction parameters.
parameters [Command.T] |
The type of parameters to be passed to the command.
parameters_tail [Instruction] |
Type of instruction parameter tail (used to encode a variable number of instruction parameters).
position [Peephole] |
Type defining where a rule should be added inside a list.
primitive_type [Annotation] |
Represents the primitives types that can be used inside an annotation.
provided_extension [Manifest] |
The type of provided extensions.
R | |
read_method [Serialization] |
The type of functions that should mimic
java.ioExternalizable.readExternal(-) by consuming data from the
stream, and modifying the passed instance.
regular [Method] |
Represents a regular (possibly static) method.
required_extension [Manifest] |
The type of required extensions.
result [Lookup] |
The type of query results.
return_kind [ControlFlow] |
The type representing the kind of values returned by a xreturn instruction.
rewriting_rules [Peephole] |
The type of function rewriting (line, instruction) lists.
S | |
s1 [Utils] |
The type of signed 1-byte integers.
s2 [Utils] |
The type of signed 2-byte integers.
s4 [Utils] |
The type of signed 4-byte integers.
s8 [Utils] |
The type of signed 8-byte integers.
set [LdcConstraint] |
The type of constraint set.
short_offset [Instruction] |
The type of short offsets for jump instructions.
short_offset [ByteCode] |
The type of short offsets for jump instructions.
signature [Attribute] | |
stack [StackState] |
The type of operand stacks.
stack_map_frame [Attribute] |
Stack map frame modifications.
substitution [Lookup] |
The type of substitutions, mapping identifier of formal generic type
parameters to their effective type.
switch_kind [ControlFlow] |
The type representing the values associated with a switch instruction.
T | |
t [XML] |
The type of XML tags.
t [Version] | |
t [UTF8LineWriterImpl] |
The type of UTF8 line-oriented writers.
t [UTF8LineReaderImpl] |
The type of UTF8 line-oriented readers.
t [UTF8Impl] |
The type of UTF8 strings.
t [UTF8BufferImpl] |
The type of UTF8 buffers.
t [UCharImpl] |
The type of Unicode characters.
t [StackState] |
The type of stack states.
t [Reference] |
Type for references to an element from a method handle.
t [PackageDefinition] |
Definition of a Java package.
t [OutputStream] |
The type of output streams, whatever the stream destination is.
t [ModuleDefinition] |
Definition of a Java module.
t [Method] |
Represents the different kinds of methods.
t [Manifest] |
The type representing the contents of a manifest file.
t [LdcConstraint] |
The type of constant pool elements that can impose a constraint.
t [InvertibleArray.HashableComparableType] | |
t [InvertibleArray.S] | |
t [Instruction] |
The type of instructions.
t [InputStream] |
The type of input streams, whatever the stream source is.
t [Graph] |
The type of graphs.
t [Field] |
Represents a field as defined in the Java language.
t [ExtendableArray] |
The type of extendable arrays.
t [ConstantPool] |
Type for constant pools.
t [ClassPath] |
The type of class paths.
t [ClassLoader] |
Represents a class loader, that is barely a map from names
(in external form) to their definitions.
t [ClassFile] |
This structure is barely a translation from the class file as it is
defined in Sun's Java specification.
t [ClassDefinition] |
Definition of a Java class.
t [Attribute] | |
t [ArchiveBuilder] |
The type of archive builders.
t [Annotation] |
Represents an annotation in high-level form.
t [AccessFlag] |
Possible flags for any Java element.
tag [ConstantPool] |
Type for tag identifying element kind.
target [Annotation] | |
throws_signature [Signature] | |
token [Lexer] |
The possible tokens to be found in a source file.
type_argument [Signature] | |
type_signature [Signature] | |
type_variable_signature [Signature] | |
U | |
u1 [Utils] |
The type of unsigned 1-byte integers.
u2 [Utils] |
The type of unsigned 2-byte integers.
u4 [Utils] |
The type of unsigned 4-byte integers.
unifier [StackState] |
The type of unifiers, that is functions that return an element that
generalizes the passed ones.
V | |
verification_type_info [Attribute] |
Verification types.
version [Manifest] |
The type representing the various version of the file format.
vertex [Graph] |
The type of graph vertices.
vertex [ControlFlow] |
The type of graph vertices, each being labeled with an instruction
list and a value of type
'a .
W | |
write_method [Serialization] |
The type of functions that should mimic
java.ioExternalizable.writeExternal(-) by producing data onto the
stream from the passed instance.