Module Reference

module Reference: sig .. end
References to Java elements as used by method handles.


type for_field = Name.for_class * Name.for_field * Descriptor.for_field 
Type for references to a field (class name, field name, and field descriptor).
type for_method = Name.for_class * Name.for_method * Descriptor.for_method 
Type for references to a method (class name, method name, and method descriptor).
type for_constructor = Name.for_class * Descriptor.for_parameter list 
Type for references to a constructor (class name, and parameter list).
type t = 
| GetField of for_field (*Reference equivalent to a 'getField' call.*)
| GetStatic of for_field (*Reference equivalent to a 'getStatic' call.*)
| PutField of for_field (*Reference equivalent to a 'putField' call.*)
| PutStatic of for_field (*Reference equivalent to a 'putStatic' call.*)
| InvokeVirtual of for_method (*Reference equivalent to a 'invokeVirtual' call.*)
| InvokeStatic of for_method (*Reference equivalent to a 'invokeStatic' call.*)
| InvokeSpecial of for_method (*Reference equivalent to a 'invokeSpecial' call.*)
| NewInvokeSpecial of for_constructor (*Reference equivalent to a 'newInvokeSpecial' call.*)
| InvokeInterface of for_method (*Reference equivalent to a 'invokeInterface' call.*)
Type for references to an element from a method handle.
type kind = 
| REF_getField (*Reference equivalent to a 'getField' call.*)
| REF_getStatic (*Reference equivalent to a 'getStatic' call.*)
| REF_putField (*Reference equivalent to a 'putField' call.*)
| REF_putStatic (*Reference equivalent to a 'putStatic' call.*)
| REF_invokeVirtual (*Reference equivalent to a 'invokeVirtual' call.*)
| REF_invokeStatic (*Reference equivalent to a 'invokeStatic' call.*)
| REF_invokeSpecial (*Reference equivalent to a 'invokeSpecial' call.*)
| REF_newInvokeSpecial (*Reference equivalent to a 'newInvokeSpecial' call.*)
| REF_invokeInterface (*Reference equivalent to a 'invokeInterface' call.*)
Type for reference kinds to an element from a method handle.


type error = 
| Invalid_kind of Utils.u1
exception Exception of error
val string_of_error : error -> string


val u1_of_kind : kind -> Utils.u1
Converts the passed kind into its corresponding code, as used in the classfile format.
val kind_of_u1 : Utils.u1 -> kind
Converts the passed integer into its corresponding kind, as used in the classfile format.

Raises Exception if the passed integer is not a valid kind.

val utf8_for_field : for_field -> Utils.UTF8.t
Converts the passed field into a string.
val utf8_for_method : for_method -> Utils.UTF8.t
Converts the passed method into a string.
val utf8_for_constructor : for_constructor -> Utils.UTF8.t
Converts the passed constructor into a string.
val to_utf8 : t -> Utils.UTF8.t
Converts the passed reference into a string.
val equal_for_field : for_field -> for_field -> bool
Equality over fields.
val equal_for_method : for_method -> for_method -> bool
Equality over methods.
val equal_for_constructor : for_constructor -> for_constructor -> bool
Equality over constructors.
val equal : t -> t -> bool
Equality over references.
val compare_for_field : for_field -> for_field -> int
Comparison over field.
val compare_for_method : for_method -> for_method -> int
Comparison over methods.
val compare_for_constructor : for_constructor -> for_constructor -> int
Comparison over constructors.
val compare : t -> t -> int
Comparison over references.
val hash_for_field : for_field -> int
Hash function over fields.
val hash_for_method : for_method -> int
Hash function over methods.
val hash_for_constructor : for_constructor -> int
Hash function over constructors.
val hash : t -> int
Hash function over references.