module Serialization: sig
.. end
Support for serialization/serialization, using the Object
Serialization protocol version 2.
error =
| |
Invalid_magic of Utils.u2 |
| |
Invalid_version of Utils.u2 |
| |
Invalid_stream |
| |
Array_type_waited |
| |
Unknown_reference |
| |
Invalid_class_flags of Utils.s1 |
| |
Missing_read_function |
| |
Missing_write_function |
| |
Missing_field of Utils.UTF8.t |
| |
Invalid_field_type of Utils.UTF8.t |
exception Exception of error
val string_of_error : error -> string
Object values
The type of class descriptors.
read_method = InputStream.t -> instance -> unit
The type of functions that should mimic
java.ioExternalizable.readExternal(-) by consuming data from the
stream, and modifying the passed instance.
write_method = OutputStream.t -> instance -> unit
The type of functions that should mimic
java.ioExternalizable.writeExternal(-) by producing data onto the
stream from the passed instance.
The type of classical instances
(association from fields to values).
array_instance =
| |
Boolean_array of bool array |
| |
Byte_array of Utils.s1 array |
| |
Char_array of Utils.u2 array |
| |
Double_array of float array |
| |
Float_array of float array |
| |
Int_array of Utils.s4 array |
| |
Long_array of Utils.s8 array |
| |
Object_array of object_value array |
| |
Short_array of Utils.s2 array |
The type of array instances.
object_value =
The type of object instances.
field_value =
The type of field values.
val make_descriptor : Utils.UTF8.t ->
Utils.s8 ->
object_value list ->
(Descriptor.for_field * Name.for_field) list ->
descriptor option ->
bool ->
(read_method * write_method) option ->
make_descriptor name serial annot fields super ext methods
constructs a new descriptor for class name
with serial identifier
, annotations annot
, fields fields
, and super descriptor
. ext
indicates whether the class implements, and methods provides optional custom
read/write methods.
val make_proxy_descriptor : Utils.UTF8.t list ->
object_value list ->
descriptor option -> descriptor
make_proxy_descriptor interfaces annot super
constructs a
descriptor for a proxy class with annotations annot
, and super
descriptor super
. interfaces
is the list of interfaces
implemented by the proxy.
val serial_of_descriptor : descriptor -> Utils.s8
Returns the serial version of the passed descriptor.
val class_name_of_descriptor : descriptor -> Utils.UTF8.t
Returns the class name of the passed descriptor.
val class_annotation_of_descriptor : descriptor -> object_value list
Returns the annotations of the passed descriptor.
val super_class_desc_of_descriptor : descriptor -> descriptor option
Returns the parent descriptor of the passed descriptor.
val fields_of_descriptor : descriptor -> (Descriptor.for_field * Name.for_field) list
Returns the fields of the passed descriptor.
val methods_of_descriptor : descriptor ->
(read_method * write_method) option
Returns the Externalizable methods of the passed descriptor.
val make_instance : descriptor ->
(Name.for_field * field_value) list ->
object_value list -> instance
make_instance desc fields annot
constructs an instance associated
with descriptor desc
and annotations annot
. The association list
should contain an element (with correct type) for each field
referenced in the descritor.
Serialization and deserialization of object values
val encode : OutputStream.t -> object_value list -> unit
encode os l
writes the values from l
onto os
Raises OutputStream.Exception
if an i/o error occurs.
val encode_one : OutputStream.t -> object_value -> unit
encode_one os x
is a shorthand for encode os [x]
val decode : InputStream.t -> object_value list
decode is
returns the list of values read from is
Raises Exception
if data on the stream does not conform to the
serialization protocol.
Raises OutputStream.Exception
if an i/o error occurs.
Helper functions
val descriptor_of_definition : ClassLoader.t -> ClassDefinition.t -> descriptor
descriptor_of_definition loader definition
constructs a new descriptor
for the class whose definition
is passed, loader
being used to
construct descriptors for parent classes.
Raises ClassLoader.Exception
if a parent class cannot be found.
val instance_of_function : descriptor ->
object_value list ->
(Name.for_field -> field_value) -> instance
instance_of_function desc annot f
constructs an instance associated with
descriptor desc
and annotations annot
. f
is used to retrieve the
value of each field.
val object_value_of_function : descriptor ->
object_value list ->
(Name.for_field -> field_value) -> object_value
object_value_of_function desc annot f
is a shorthand for
Instance (instance_of_function desc annot f)