module InputStream: sig
.. end
Input streams.
As stated in the class file format definition, multibyte data items are
always stored in big-endian order, where the high bytes come first.
The type of input streams, whatever the stream source is.
error =
| |
End_of_input_stream |
| |
Unable_to_read_data |
| |
Unable_to_close_stream |
| |
Data_is_too_large |
exception Exception of error
val string_of_error : error -> string
val make_of_string : string -> t
Creates an input stream whose source is a string.
val make_of_buffer : Buffer.t -> t
Creates an input stream whose source is a buffer.
val make_of_channel : Pervasives.in_channel -> t
Creates an input stream whose source is a channel.
val make_of_descr : Unix.file_descr -> t
Creates an input stream whose source is a file descriptor.
val make : read_byte:(unit -> int) ->
?read_bytes:(int -> string) ->
?read_bytes_into:(int -> string -> int -> unit) ->
?read_available_bytes:(int -> string -> int -> int) ->
close:(unit -> unit) -> t
Creates an input stream from passed functions:
is used to read one byte (see Pervasives.input_byte
read_bytes nb
(optional) is used to read nb
read_bytes_into nb dst idx
(optional) is used to read nb
bytes and
store them into dst
, starting at index idx
read_available_bytes nb dst idx
(optional) is similar to
except that it should not fail if reaching end of file,
and should return the number of bytes actually read;
is used to close the stream.
val read_u1 : t -> Utils.u1
Reads an unsigned 1-byte integer from the passed stream.
Raises Exception
if end of stream is encountered or an i/o error occurs.
val read_u2 : t -> Utils.u2
Reads an unsigned 2-byte integer from the passed stream.
Raises Exception
if end of stream is encountered or an i/o error occurs.
val read_u4 : t -> Utils.u4
Reads an unsigned 4-byte integer from the passed stream.
Raises Exception
if end of stream is encountered or an i/o error occurs.
val read_s1 : t -> Utils.s1
Reads a signed 1-byte integer from the passed stream.
Raises Exception
if end of stream is encountered or an i/o error occurs.
val read_s2 : t -> Utils.s2
Reads a signed 2-byte integer from the passed stream.
Raises Exception
if end of stream is encountered or an i/o error occurs.
val read_s4 : t -> Utils.s4
Reads a signed 4-byte integer from the passed stream.
Raises Exception
if end of stream is encountered or an i/o error occurs.
val read_s8 : t -> Utils.s8
Reads a signed 8-byte integer from the passed stream.
Raises Exception
if end of stream is encountered or an i/o error occurs.
val read_bytes : t -> int -> string
read_bytes st nb
reads nb
bytes from st
returning them as a string.
Raises Exception
if end of stream is encountered or an i/o error occurs.
val read_bytes_into : t -> int -> string -> int -> unit
read_bytes_into st nb dst idx
reads nb
bytes from st
and stores them
into dst
, starting at index idx
Raises Exception
if end of stream is encountered or an i/o error occurs.
Raises Exception
if read data does not fit into dst
val read_available_bytes : t -> int -> string -> int -> int
read_available_bytes st nb dst idx
is similar to read_bytes_into
except that is does not raise Exception
if end of file is reached
but rather returns the number of bytes actually read.
val read_elements : t -> (t -> 'a) -> 'a list
read_elements st f
will first read from st
a Utils.u2
indicating the number of elements to actually read. Then, it will
read the elements using f
and return the list of read elements.
Raises Exception
if end of stream is encountered or an i/o error
val close : t -> unit
Closes the passed stream, any subsequent read will fail raising an exception
indicating that end of stream has been reached.
Raises Exception
if an error occurs while closing the stream.
val close_noerr : t -> unit
Same as close
but raised exceptions are silently discarded.
val try_with : t -> (t -> 'a) -> 'a
try_with st f
is equivalent to Utils.try_finally st f close_noerr
Predefined stream
val stdin : t
Predefined stream for standard input.