Module GraphPrinter

module GraphPrinter: sig .. end
Printing of jar graph.

type error = 
| Cannot_open_archive of string
exception Exception of error
val string_of_error : error -> string
val print_to_buffer : Utils.UTF8Buffer.t -> Graph.format -> string list -> unit
print_to_stream buff cl fmt l appends to the passed buffer buff the graph of the classes appearing in archives from l, using fmt as the output format, and cl as the classloader.

Raises Exception is an archive cannot be opened.

val print_to_stream : OutputStream.t -> Graph.format -> string list -> unit
print_to_stream st cl fmt l prints onto the passed stream the graph of the classes appearing in archives from l, using fmt as the output format, and cl as the classloader.

Raises Exception is an archive cannot be opened.

val print : Graph.format -> string list -> unit
print fmt l prints onto the standard output the graph of the classes appearing in archives from l, using fmt as the output format, and cl as the classloader.

Raises Exception is an archive cannot be opened.