Module Utils

module Utils: sig .. end
Utility functions and modules used throughout the Barista project.

In particular, it defines types and functions for UTF8 characters and strings.

Integer types

The following aliases are defined to keep the type expressions as close as possible to the Java specification. Moreover, these types are declared private and should be constructed by the functions with the same sames.
type integer_error = {
   type_name :string; (*Integer type name.*)
   lower_bound :int64; (*Lower bound of integer type.*)
   upper_bound :int64; (*Upper bound of integer type.*)
   value :int64; (*Actual value passed to constructor function.*)
Error describing an integer exception.
exception Integer_exception of integer_error
Raised when an attempt made to construct an integer out of bounds.
val string_of_integer_error : integer_error -> string
Converts the passed error into a string.
type u1 = private int 
The type of unsigned 1-byte integers.
val u1 : int -> u1
Constructs a value of type u1, raising Integer_exception if value is out of bounds.
val max_u1 : int
The greatest u1 value.
type s1 = private int 
The type of signed 1-byte integers.
val s1 : int -> s1
Constructs a value of type s1, raising Integer_exception if value is out of bounds.
type u2 = private int 
The type of unsigned 2-byte integers.
val max_u2 : int
The greatest u2 value.
val u2 : int -> u2
Constructs a value of type u2, raising Integer_exception if value is out of bounds.
type s2 = private int 
The type of signed 2-byte integers.
val min_s2 : int
The lowest s2 value.
val max_s2 : int
The greatest s2 value.
val s2 : int -> s2
Constructs a value of type s2, raising Integer_exception if value is out of bounds.
type u4 = private int64 
The type of unsigned 4-byte integers.
val u4 : int64 -> u4
Constructs a value of type u4, raising Integer_exception if value is out of bounds.
type s4 = private int32 
The type of signed 4-byte integers.
val min_s4 : s4
The lowest s4 value.
val max_s4 : s4
The greatest s4 value.
val s4 : int32 -> s4
Identity function.
type s8 = private int64 
The type of signed 8-byte integers.
val s8 : int64 -> s8
Identity function.
val u1_succ : u1 -> u1
Increments the passed value, raising Integer_exception if result would be out of bounds.
val u2_succ : u2 -> u2
Increments the passed value, raising Integer_exception if result would be out of bounds.
val s1_neg : s1 -> s1
Unary negation, raises Integer_exception if result would be out of bounds.
val s2_neg : s2 -> s2
Unary negation, raises Integer_exception if result would be out of bounds.
val s4_pred : s4 -> s4
Decrements the passed value, raising Integer_exception if result would be out of bounds.
val split_s8 : s8 -> s4 * s4
Splits the passed 8-byte value into two 4-byte values, the first containing the highest bits.
val gather_s8 : s4 -> s4 -> s8
Gather two 4-byte values into a 8-byte value, the first 4-byte value containing the highest bits.
val u2_of_u1 : u1 -> u2
Identity function.
val s4_of_s2 : s2 -> s4
Identity function.

UTF8 support

module UChar: module type of UCharImpl  with type t = UCharImpl.t
Implementation of Unicode characters.
module UTF8: module type of UTF8Impl  with type t = UTF8Impl.t
Implementation of UTF8 strings.
val (++) : UTF8.t -> UTF8.t -> UTF8.t
Concatenation of UTF8 strings.
module UTF8Hashtbl: Hashtbl.S  with type key = UTF8.t
Hashtables with UTF8 strings as keys.
module UTF8Map: Map.S  with type key = UTF8.t
Maps with UTF8 strings as keys.
module UTF8Set: Set.S  with type elt = UTF8.t
Sets with UTF8 strings as elements.
module UTF8Buffer: module type of UTF8BufferImpl  with type t = UTF8BufferImpl.t
Implementation of UTF8 buffers.
type lexer_state_error = UTF8LexerStateImpl.error = 
| End_of_lexer
| Invalid_consume of char * char
val string_of_lexer_state_error : lexer_state_error -> string
exception Lexer_state_exception of lexer_state_error
class lexer_state : UTF8.t -> UTF8LexerStateImpl.t
State class with classical utility functions used to implement lexers.
val lexer_switch : (UCharImpl.t * (UCharImpl.t -> 'a)) list ->
(UCharImpl.t -> 'a) -> UTF8LexerStateImpl.t -> 'a
lexer_switch matches default ls char search the association list matches for a key equal to char. If such a key exists, the return value is equal to the application of the associated function to char. Otherwise, the return value is equal to the application of default to char.


val fix_point : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> ('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
fix_point eq f x returns a fix point of f seeding with value x, and using eq as the equality function.
val compose_list : ('a -> 'a) list -> 'a -> 'a
compose_list [f1; f2; ...; fn] x returns f1 (f2 ... (fn x)).
val try_finally : 'a -> ('a -> 'b) -> ('a -> unit) -> 'b
try_finally x f h implements the try/finally logic. f is the body of the try clause, while h is the finally handler. Both f and h receive x as their parameter.
val map_partial : ('a -> 'b option) -> 'a list -> 'b list
Similar to except that the returned list contains elements mapped to Some x, and ignores those mapped to None.
val map_list_to_array : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b array
map_list_to_array f l is equivalent to f (Array.of_list l).
val map_array_to_list : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a array -> 'b list
map_array_to_list f a is equivalent to Array.to_list ( f l).
val identity : 'a -> 'a
The identity function.
val switch : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> ('a * ('a -> 'b)) list -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
switch eq matches default x search the association list matches for a key equal to x using equality function eq. If such a key exists, the return value is equal to the application of the associated function to x. Otherwise, the return value is equal to the application of default to x.
val list_equal : ?eq:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a list -> 'a list -> bool
Equality over lists, eq (defaulting to (=)) being the predicate used to compare list elements.
val list_compare : ?cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a list -> 'a list -> int
Comparison over lists, cmp (defaulting to being the comparison function over list elements.
val list_hash : ?h:('a -> int) -> 'a list -> int
Hash over lists, h (defaulting to Hashtbl.hash) being the hash function over list elements.
val array_equal : ?eq:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a array -> 'a array -> bool
Equality over arrays, eq (defaulting to (=)) being the predicate used to compare array elements.
val array_compare : ?cmp:('a -> 'a -> int) -> 'a array -> 'a array -> int
Comparison over arrays, cmp (defaulting to being the comparison function over array elements.
val array_hash : ?h:('a -> int) -> 'a array -> int
Hash over arrays, h (defaulting to Hashtbl.hash) being the hash function over array elements.
val string_replace : char -> char -> string -> string
string_replace o n s returns a new string where every occurrence of o is replaced by n.
val string_split : string -> string -> string list
string_split seps s returns a list of substrings of s separeted by contiguous substrings of elements from seps.
val string_of_list : ('a -> string) -> 'a list -> string
string_of_list f l converts l into a string, using f to convert list elements.
val string_of_array : ('a -> string) -> 'a array -> string
string_of_array f a converts a into a string, using f to convert array elements.
val universal_hash : 'a -> int
Universal hash function, bare shorthand for Hashtbl.hash.