Class UTF8LexerStateImpl.t

class t : UTF8Impl.t -> object .. end

method is_available : bool
Returns true iff there is at least one character left on the lexer.
method peek : UCharImpl.t
Returns true the next character if one is available. Raises Exception if end of string is encountered.
method look_ahead_list : UCharImpl.t list -> bool
Returns true iff the next character of the lexer is equal to one of the passed list. Raises Exception if end of string is encountered.
method look_ahead : UCharImpl.t -> bool
Returns true iff the next character of the lexer is equal to the passed one. Raises Exception if end of string is encountered.
method consume_char : UCharImpl.t
Consumes the next character and returns it. Raises Exception if end of string is encountered.
method consume : unit
Consumes (that is skips) the next character. Raises Exception if end of string is encountered.
method consume_only : UCharImpl.t -> unit
Consumes (that is skips) the next character only if it is equal to the passed character. Raises Exception if end of string is encountered or if passed character is not equal to the next one of the lexer.
method consume_until_list : UCharImpl.t list -> UTF8Impl.t
Consumes characters until a character equal to one of the passed list is read from the lexer, and then returns the string of consumed characters (none of the passed characters is consumed). Raises Exception if end of string is encountered.
method consume_until : UCharImpl.t -> UTF8Impl.t
Consumes characters until a character equal to the passed one is read from the lexer and then returns the string of consumed characters (the passed character is not consumed). Raises Exception if end of string is encountered.
method consume_all : UTF8Impl.t
Consumes all remaining characters.
method consume_whitespace : unit
Consumes all whitespace characters until a non-whitespace one is encountered.