Module Instruction

module Instruction: sig .. end
Definition of instructions as well as conversion from/to bytecode and compilation/decompilation functions.

Instructions are high-level code elements, low-level elements being provided by ByteCode module.


type short_offset = Utils.s2 
The type of short offsets for jump instructions.
type long_offset = Utils.s4 
The type of long offsets for jump instructions.
type t = 
| AALOAD (*load reference from array.*)
| AASTORE (*store into reference array.*)
| ACONST_NULL (*push null.*)
| ALOAD of Utils.u1 (*load reference from local variable.*)
| ALOAD_0 (*load reference from local variable.*)
| ALOAD_1 (*load reference from local variable.*)
| ALOAD_2 (*load reference from local variable.*)
| ALOAD_3 (*load reference from local variable.*)
| ANEWARRAY of [ `Array_type of Descriptor.array_type
| `Class_or_interface of Name.for_class ]
(*create new array of references.*)
| ARETURN (*return reference from method.*)
| ARRAYLENGTH (*get length of array.*)
| ASTORE of Utils.u1 (*store reference into local variable.*)
| ASTORE_0 (*store reference into local variable.*)
| ASTORE_1 (*store reference into local variable.*)
| ASTORE_2 (*store reference into local variable.*)
| ASTORE_3 (*store reference into local variable.*)
| ATHROW (*throw exception or error.*)
| BALOAD (*load byte or boolean from array.*)
| BASTORE (*store into byte or boolean array.*)
| BIPUSH of Utils.s1 (*push byte.*)
| CALOAD (*load char from array.*)
| CASTORE (*store into char array.*)
| CHECKCAST of [ `Array_type of Descriptor.array_type
| `Class_or_interface of Name.for_class ]
(*check whether object is of given type.*)
| D2F (*convert double to float.*)
| D2I (*convert double to int.*)
| D2L (*convert double to long.*)
| DADD (*add double.*)
| DALOAD (*load double from array.*)
| DASTORE (*store into double array.*)
| DCMPG (*compare double.*)
| DCMPL (*compare double.*)
| DCONST_0 (*push double.*)
| DCONST_1 (*push double.*)
| DDIV (*divide double.*)
| DLOAD of Utils.u1 (*load double from local variable.*)
| DLOAD_0 (*load double from local variable.*)
| DLOAD_1 (*load double from local variable.*)
| DLOAD_2 (*load double from local variable.*)
| DLOAD_3 (*load double from local variable.*)
| DMUL (*multiply double.*)
| DNEG (*negate double.*)
| DREM (*remainder double.*)
| DRETURN (*return double from method.*)
| DSTORE of Utils.u1 (*store double into local variable.*)
| DSTORE_0 (*store double into local variable.*)
| DSTORE_1 (*store double into local variable.*)
| DSTORE_2 (*store double into local variable.*)
| DSTORE_3 (*store double into local variable.*)
| DSUB (*subtract double.*)
| DUP (*duplicate the top operand stack value.*)
| DUP2 (*duplicate the top one or two operand stack values.*)
| DUP2_X1 (*duplicate the top one or two operand stack values and insert two or three values down.*)
| DUP2_X2 (*duplicate the top one or two operand stack values and insert two, three, or four values down.*)
| DUP_X1 (*duplicate the top operand stack value and insert two values down.*)
| DUP_X2 (*duplicate the top operand stack value and insert two or threee values down.*)
| F2D (*convert float to double.*)
| F2I (*convert float to int.*)
| F2L (*convert float to long.*)
| FADD (*add float.*)
| FALOAD (*load float from array.*)
| FASTORE (*store into float array.*)
| FCMPG (*compare float.*)
| FCMPL (*compare float.*)
| FCONST_0 (*push float.*)
| FCONST_1 (*push float.*)
| FCONST_2 (*push float.*)
| FDIV (*divide float.*)
| FLOAD of Utils.u1 (*load float from local variable.*)
| FLOAD_0 (*load float from local variable.*)
| FLOAD_1 (*load float from local variable.*)
| FLOAD_2 (*load float from local variable.*)
| FLOAD_3 (*load float from local variable.*)
| FMUL (*multiply float.*)
| FNEG (*negate float.*)
| FREM (*remainder float.*)
| FRETURN (*return float from method.*)
| FSTORE of Utils.u1 (*store float into local variable.*)
| FSTORE_0 (*store float into local variable.*)
| FSTORE_1 (*store float into local variable.*)
| FSTORE_2 (*store float into local variable.*)
| FSTORE_3 (*store float into local variable.*)
| FSUB (*subtract float.*)
| GETFIELD of (Name.for_class * Name.for_field * Descriptor.for_field) (*fetch field from object.*)
| GETSTATIC of (Name.for_class * Name.for_field * Descriptor.for_field) (*get static field from class.*)
| GOTO of short_offset (*branch always.*)
| GOTO_W of long_offset (*branch always.*)
| I2B (*convert int to byte.*)
| I2C (*convert int to char.*)
| I2D (*convert int to double.*)
| I2F (*convert int to float.*)
| I2L (*convert int to long.*)
| I2S (*convert int to short.*)
| IADD (*add int.*)
| IALOAD (*load int from array.*)
| IAND (*boolean AND int.*)
| IASTORE (*store into int array.*)
| ICONST_0 (*push int constant.*)
| ICONST_1 (*push int constant.*)
| ICONST_2 (*push int constant.*)
| ICONST_3 (*push int constant.*)
| ICONST_4 (*push int constant.*)
| ICONST_5 (*push int constant.*)
| ICONST_M1 (*push int constant.*)
| IDIV (*divide int.*)
| IF_ACMPEQ of short_offset (*branch if reference comparison succeeds.*)
| IF_ACMPNE of short_offset (*branch if reference comparison succeeds.*)
| IF_ICMPEQ of short_offset (*branch if int comparison succeeds.*)
| IF_ICMPGE of short_offset (*branch if int comparison succeeds.*)
| IF_ICMPGT of short_offset (*branch if int comparison succeeds.*)
| IF_ICMPLE of short_offset (*branch if int comparison succeeds.*)
| IF_ICMPLT of short_offset (*branch if int comparison succeeds.*)
| IF_ICMPNE of short_offset (*branch if int comparison succeeds.*)
| IFEQ of short_offset (*branch if int comparison with zero succeeds.*)
| IFGE of short_offset (*branch if int comparison with zero succeeds.*)
| IFGT of short_offset (*branch if int comparison with zero succeeds.*)
| IFLE of short_offset (*branch if int comparison with zero succeeds.*)
| IFLT of short_offset (*branch if int comparison with zero succeeds.*)
| IFNE of short_offset (*branch if int comparison with zero succeeds.*)
| IFNONNULL of short_offset (*branch if reference not null.*)
| IFNULL of short_offset (*branch if reference not null.*)
| IINC of Utils.u1 * Utils.s1 (*increment local variable by constant.*)
| ILOAD of Utils.u1 (*load int from local variable.*)
| ILOAD_0 (*load int from local variable.*)
| ILOAD_1 (*load int from local variable.*)
| ILOAD_2 (*load int from local variable.*)
| ILOAD_3 (*load int from local variable.*)
| IMUL (*multiply int.*)
| INEG (*negate int.*)
| INSTANCEOF of [ `Array_type of Descriptor.array_type
| `Class_or_interface of Name.for_class ]
(*determine if object is of given type.*)
| INVOKEDYNAMIC of (Bootstrap.method_specifier * Name.for_method * Descriptor.for_method) (*invoke instance method; resolve and dispatch based on class.*)
| INVOKEINTERFACE of (Name.for_class * Name.for_method * Descriptor.for_method) * Utils.u1 (*invoke interface method.*)
| INVOKESPECIAL of (Name.for_class * Name.for_method * Descriptor.for_method) (*invoke instance method; special handling for superclass, private, and instance initialization method invocations.*)
| INVOKESTATIC of (Name.for_class * Name.for_method * Descriptor.for_method) (*invoke a class (static) method.*)
| INVOKEVIRTUAL of ([ `Array_type of Descriptor.array_type
| `Class_or_interface of Name.for_class ] * Name.for_method *
(*invoke instance method; dispatch based on class.*)
| IOR (*boolean OR int.*)
| IREM (*remainder int.*)
| IRETURN (*return int from method.*)
| ISHL (*shift left int.*)
| ISHR (*arithmetic shift right int.*)
| ISTORE of Utils.u1 (*store int into local variable.*)
| ISTORE_0 (*store int into local variable.*)
| ISTORE_1 (*store int into local variable.*)
| ISTORE_2 (*store int into local variable.*)
| ISTORE_3 (*store int into local variable.*)
| ISUB (*subtract int.*)
| IUSHR (*logical shift right int.*)
| IXOR (*boolean XOR int.*)
| JSR of short_offset (*jump subroutine.*)
| JSR_W of long_offset (*jump subroutine (wide index).*)
| L2D (*convert long to double.*)
| L2F (*convert long to float.*)
| L2I (*convert long to int.*)
| LADD (*add long.*)
| LALOAD (*load long from array.*)
| LAND (*boolean AND long.*)
| LASTORE (*store into long array.*)
| LCMP (*compare long.*)
| LCONST_0 (*push long constant.*)
| LCONST_1 (*push long constant.*)
| LDC of [ `Array_type of Descriptor.array_type
| `Class_or_interface of Name.for_class
| `Float of float
| `Int of int32
| `Method_handle of Bootstrap.method_handle
| `Method_type of Descriptor.for_method
| `String of Utils.UTF8.t ]
(*push item from runtime constant pool.*)
| LDC2_W of [ `Double of float | `Long of int64 ] (*push long or double from runtime constant pool (wide index).*)
| LDC_W of [ `Array_type of Descriptor.array_type
| `Class_or_interface of Name.for_class
| `Float of float
| `Int of int32
| `Method_handle of Bootstrap.method_handle
| `Method_type of Descriptor.for_method
| `String of Utils.UTF8.t ]
(*push item from runtime constant pool (wide index).*)
| LDIV (*divide long.*)
| LLOAD of Utils.u1 (*load long from local variable.*)
| LLOAD_0 (*load long from local variable.*)
| LLOAD_1 (*load long from local variable.*)
| LLOAD_2 (*load long from local variable.*)
| LLOAD_3 (*load long from local variable.*)
| LMUL (*multiply long.*)
| LNEG (*negate long.*)
| LOOKUPSWITCH of long_offset * Utils.s4
* (Utils.s4 * long_offset) list
(*access jump table by key match and jump.*)
| LOR (*boolean OR long.*)
| LREM (*remainder long.*)
| LRETURN (*return long from method.*)
| LSHL (*shift left long.*)
| LSHR (*arithmetic shift right long.*)
| LSTORE of Utils.u1 (*store long into local variable.*)
| LSTORE_0 (*store long into local variable.*)
| LSTORE_1 (*store long into local variable.*)
| LSTORE_2 (*store long into local variable.*)
| LSTORE_3 (*store long into local variable.*)
| LSUB (*subtract long.*)
| LUSHR (*logical shift right long.*)
| LXOR (*boolean XOR long.*)
| MONITORENTER (*enter monitor for object.*)
| MONITOREXIT (*exit monitor for object.*)
| MULTIANEWARRAY of [ `Array_type of Descriptor.array_type
| `Class_or_interface of Name.for_class ] * Utils.u1
(*create new multidimensional array.*)
| NEW of Name.for_class (*create new object.*)
| NEWARRAY of Descriptor.java_type (*create new arrayhandler.*)
| NOP (*do nothing.*)
| POP (*pop the top operand stack value.*)
| POP2 (*pop the top one or two operand stack values.*)
| PUTFIELD of (Name.for_class * Name.for_field * Descriptor.for_field) (*set field in object.*)
| PUTSTATIC of (Name.for_class * Name.for_field * Descriptor.for_field) (*set static field in class.*)
| RET of Utils.u1 (*return from subroutine.*)
| RETURN (*return void from method.*)
| SALOAD (*load short from array.*)
| SASTORE (*store into short array.*)
| SIPUSH of Utils.s2 (*push short.*)
| SWAP (*swap the top two operand stack values.*)
| TABLESWITCH of long_offset * Utils.s4 * Utils.s4 * long_offset list (*access jump table by index and jump.*)
| WIDE_ALOAD of Utils.u2 (*load reference from local variable.*)
| WIDE_ASTORE of Utils.u2 (*store reference into local variable.*)
| WIDE_DLOAD of Utils.u2 (*load double from local variable.*)
| WIDE_DSTORE of Utils.u2 (*store double into local variable.*)
| WIDE_FLOAD of Utils.u2 (*load float from local variable.*)
| WIDE_FSTORE of Utils.u2 (*store float into local variable.*)
| WIDE_IINC of Utils.u2 * Utils.s2 (*increment local variable by constant.*)
| WIDE_ILOAD of Utils.u2 (*load int from local variable.*)
| WIDE_ISTORE of Utils.u2 (*store int into local variable.*)
| WIDE_LLOAD of Utils.u2 (*load long from local variable.*)
| WIDE_LSTORE of Utils.u2 (*store long into local variable.*)
| WIDE_RET of Utils.u2 (*return from subroutine.*)
The type of instructions.
val equal : t -> t -> bool
Equality over instructions.
val compare : t -> t -> int
Comparison over instructions.
val hash : t -> int
Hash function over instructions.


type error = 
| Invalid_pool_element
| Invalid_field
| Invalid_dynamic_method
| Invalid_interface_method
| Invalid_method
| Invalid_parameter
| Invalid_primitive_type
| Invalid_switch_cases
| Invalid_pool_index
| Invalid_pool_entry
| Invalid_primitive_array_type
| Invalid_index
| Invalid_array_element
| Invalid_class_name
| Invalid_unsigned_byte
| Invalid_byte
| Invalid_unsigned_short
| Invalid_signed_short
| Invalid_signed_long
| Invalid_short_offset
| Invalid_long_offset
| Invalid_number_of_arguments
| Unknown_instruction
| Invalid_method_handle
| Too_many_bootstrap_specifiers
exception Exception of error
val string_of_error : error -> string

Conversion functions

val decode : Bootstrap.methods -> ConstantPool.t -> ByteCode.instruction -> t
decode bsm cpool i decodes instruction i using constant pool cpool, and bootstrap information bsm. Raise Exception if an instruction parameter is invalid. Raise ConstantPool.Exception if a constant pool index is invalid. Raise Exception if constant pool is invalid.
val encode : Bootstrap.methods ->
ConstantPool.extendable -> t -> ByteCode.instruction
encode bsm cpool i encodes instruction i using constant pool cpool, and bootstrap information bsm. Raise ConstantPool.Exception if constant pool is too large. Raise Exception if an instruction parameter is invalid.

Compilation functions

type parameter = 
| Int_constant of int64 (*Constant parameter: integer value.*)
| Offset of int32 (*Constant parameter: offset value.*)
| Float_constant of float (*Constant parameter: float value.*)
| String_constant of Utils.UTF8.t (*Constant parameter: string value.*)
| Class_name of Name.for_class (*Reference to a class.*)
| Array_type of Utils.UTF8.t (*Reference to an array type.*)
| Primitive_type of Descriptor.java_type (*Reference to a primitive type.*)
| Field of Name.for_class * Name.for_field * Descriptor.for_field (*Reference to a field (either static or instance one).*)
| Dynamic_method of Bootstrap.method_specifier * Name.for_method * Descriptor.for_method (*Reference to a dynamic method: method name and descriptor but no receiver.*)
| Method of Name.for_class * Name.for_method * Descriptor.for_method (*Reference to a method (either static or instance one).*)
| Array_method of Descriptor.array_type * Name.for_method * Descriptor.for_method (*Reference to an array method: name and descriptor with an array type as receiver.*)
| Method_type_constant of Descriptor.for_method (*Constant method type (parameters and return type).*)
| Method_handle_constant of Bootstrap.method_handle (*Constant method handle (reference to field of method).*)
Type of instruction parameters.
type parameters_tail = 
| No_tail (*No additional parameter.*)
| Match_offset_pairs of (Utils.s4 * long_offset) list (*List of match/offset pairs (used for lookup switches).*)
| Long_offsets of long_offset list (*List of offsets (used for table switches).*)
Type of instruction parameter tail (used to encode a variable number of instruction parameters).
val compile : int ->
bool ->
string ->
parameter list ->
parameters_tail -> int * t
compile ofs wide mnemo params param_tail compiles instruction whose mnemonic is mnemo, params and param_tail being parameters while wide indicates whether the wide version of the instruction should be compiled. ofs is the compilation offset; the returned couple consists of instruction size and compiled instruction. Raises Exception if instruction does not exist or is passed invalid parameters.
val decompile : int ->
t ->
int * bool * string * parameter list *
decompile ofs i decompiles instruction i at offset ofs. Returns (sz, wide, mnemo, p, t) where: sz is instruction size, wide indicates whether the instruction is a wide one, mnemo is instruction mnemonic, and p and t are parameters.


val size_of : int -> t -> int
size_of ofs i returns the size of instruction i at offset ofs.
val size_of_list : int -> t list -> int
size_of_list ofs l returns the size of instruction list l at offset ofs.


val version_bounds : t -> Version.bounds
Returns the version bounds for the passed instruction.