Module ConstantPool

module ConstantPool: sig .. end
Constant pool definition as well as i/o functions.


type element = 
| Class of Utils.u2 (*name index (UTF8 element: class name in internal format)*)
| Fieldref of Utils.u2 * Utils.u2 (*class index (Class element: enclosing class or interface), name and type index (NameAndType element: field descriptor)*)
| Methodref of Utils.u2 * Utils.u2 (*class index (Class element: class only), name and type index (NameAndType element: method descriptor)*)
| InterfaceMethodref of Utils.u2 * Utils.u2 (*class index (Class element: interface only), name and type index (NameAndType element: method descriptor)*)
| String of Utils.u2 (*value index (UTF8 element)*)
| Integer of int32 (*value (big-endian)*)
| Float of int32 (*value (IEEE 754 / big-endian)*)
| Long of int32 * int32 (*high bytes, low bytes (big-endian)*)
| Double of int32 * int32 (*high bytes, low bytes (IEEE 754 / big-endian)*)
| NameAndType of Utils.u2 * Utils.u2 (*name index (UTF8 element: "<init>", "<clinit>" or unqualified field / method name), descriptor index (Utf8 element: field / method descriptor)*)
| UTF8 of Utils.UTF8.t (*value (in "normal" format)*)
| MethodHandle of Reference.kind * Utils.u2 (*reference kind, reference index*)
| MethodType of Utils.u2 (*type index*)
| InvokeDynamic of Utils.u2 * Utils.u2 (*index into "BootstrapMethods" attribute, name and type index*)
| ModuleId of Utils.u2 * Utils.u2 (*name index (Utf8 element), version index (Utf8 element)*)
Type for constant pool entry.
val equal_element : element -> element -> bool
Equality over pool elements.
val compare_element : element -> element -> int
Comparison over pool elements.
val hash_element : element -> int
Hash function over pool elements.
val dummy_element : element
Element used for 0-index entry as well as for unused long or double entries.
type tag = 
| CONSTANT_Class (*Tag for 'Class' element*)
| CONSTANT_Fieldref (*Tag for 'Fieldref' element*)
| CONSTANT_Methodref (*Tag for 'Methodref' element*)
| CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref (*Tag for 'InterfaceMethodref' element*)
| CONSTANT_String (*Tag for 'String' element*)
| CONSTANT_Integer (*Tag for 'Integer' element*)
| CONSTANT_Float (*Tag for 'Float' element*)
| CONSTANT_Long (*Tag for 'Long' element*)
| CONSTANT_Double (*Tag for 'Double' element*)
| CONSTANT_NameAndType (*Tag for 'NameAndType' element*)
| CONSTANT_Utf8 (*Tag for 'UTF8' element*)
| CONSTANT_MethodHandle (*Tag for 'MethodHandle' element*)
| CONSTANT_MethodType (*Tag for 'MethodType' element*)
| CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic (*Tag for 'InvokeDynamic' element*)
| CONSTANT_ModuleId (*Tag for 'ModuleId' element*)
Type for tag identifying element kind.
type t 
Type for constant pools.
val equal : t -> t -> bool
Equality over pools.
val compare : t -> t -> int
Comparison over pools.
val hash : t -> int
Hash function over pools.


type error = 
| Invalid_tag of Utils.u1
| Too_large of int
| Invalid_reference
| Reference_out_of_bounds of int * int
| Dummy_access of Utils.u2
| Malformed_Class_entry of Utils.u2
| Malformed_Fieldref_entry of Utils.u2 * Utils.u2
| Malformed_Methodref_entry of Utils.u2 * Utils.u2
| Malformed_InterfaceMethodRef_entry of Utils.u2 * Utils.u2
| Malformed_String_entry of Utils.u2
| Malformed_NameAndType_entry of Utils.u2 * Utils.u2
| Malformed_MethodHandle_entry of Reference.kind * Utils.u2
| Malformed_MethodType_entry of Utils.u2
| Malformed_InvokeDynamic_entry of Utils.u2 * Utils.u2
| Malformed_ModuleId_entry of Utils.u2 * Utils.u2
exception Exception of error
val string_of_error : error -> string

I/O functions

val read_element : InputStream.t -> element
val read : InputStream.t -> Utils.u2 -> t
val write_element : OutputStream.t -> element -> unit
val write : OutputStream.t -> t -> unit

Check functions

val size : t -> Utils.u2
Returns the size of the passed pool.
val get_entry : t -> Utils.u2 -> element
get_entry pool index returns the entry at index in pool if index is valid, raising Exception otherwise. Raises Exception if an attempt is made to get a dummy element.
val check : t -> unit
Checks the passed pool for consistency. Raises Exception if pool is not consistent.
val check_entry_for_kind : t -> Utils.u2 -> tag -> bool
check_entry_for_kind pool index tag tests whether the entry at index is of the kind designated by tag.
val version_bounds : element -> Version.bounds
Returns the version bounds for the passed pool element.
val check_version : Version.t -> t -> unit
check_version v pool checks that pool conforms to version v, raising Version.Exception if not.

Extendable pools

type extendable 
Type for extendable constant pools (used for conversion from class definitions to class files. The add_xyz functions below provide maximum sharing of constant pool elements.
val make_extendable : unit -> extendable
Builds an empty extendable pool.
val make_extendable_from_pool : t -> extendable
Builds an extendable pool from a classic one. Raises Exception if the passed pool is too large.
val make_extendable_from_array : element array -> extendable
Builds an extendable pool from an array of elements. Raises Exception if the passed array is too large.
val get_extendable_entry : extendable -> Utils.u2 -> element
get_extendable_entry pool index returns the entry at index in pool if index is valid, raising Exception otherwise. Raises Exception if an attempt is made to get a dummy element.
val add_class : extendable -> Name.for_class -> Utils.u2
add_class pool class_name augments pool with class whose name is class_name. Returns index of existing or created entry. Raises Exception if the passed pool is too large.
val add_array_class : extendable -> Descriptor.array_type -> Utils.u2
add_array_class pool array_type augments pool with array type whose descriptor is array_type. Returns index of existing or created entry. Raises Exception if the passed pool is too large.
val add_field : extendable ->
Name.for_class -> Name.for_field -> Descriptor.for_field -> Utils.u2
add_field pool class_name field_name field_type augments pool with field field_name of type field_type in class class_name. Returns index of existing or created entry. Raises Exception if the passed pool is too large.
val add_method : extendable ->
Name.for_class -> Name.for_method -> Descriptor.for_method -> Utils.u2
add_method pool class_name method_name method_type augments pool with method method_name of type method_type in class class_name. Returns index of existing or created entry. Raises Exception if the passed pool is too large.
val add_interface_method : extendable ->
Name.for_class -> Name.for_method -> Descriptor.for_method -> Utils.u2
add_interface_method pool interface_name method_name method_type augments pool with interface method method_name of type method_type in interface interface_name. Returns index of existing or created entry. Raises Exception if the passed pool is too large.
val add_array_method : extendable ->
Descriptor.array_type -> Name.for_method -> Descriptor.for_method -> Utils.u2
add_array_method pool array_type method_name method_type augments pool with array method method_name of type method_type in array type array_type. Returns index of existing or created entry. Raises Exception if the passed pool is too large.
val add_string : extendable -> Utils.UTF8.t -> Utils.u2
add_string pool s augments pool with string s. Returns index of existing or created entry. Raises Exception if the passed pool is too large.
val add_integer : extendable -> int32 -> Utils.u2
add_integer pool i augments pool with integer i. Returns index of existing or created entry. Raises Exception if the passed pool is too large.
val add_float : extendable -> float -> Utils.u2
add_float pool f augments pool with float f. Returns index of existing or created entry. Raises Exception if the passed pool is too large.
val add_long : extendable -> int64 -> Utils.u2
add_long pool l augments pool with long l. Returns index of existing or created entry. Raises Exception if the passed pool is too large.
val add_double : extendable -> float -> Utils.u2
add_double pool d augments pool with double d. Returns index of existing or created entry. Raises Exception if the passed pool is too large.
val add_name_and_type : extendable -> Utils.UTF8.t -> Utils.UTF8.t -> Utils.u2
add_name_and_type pool n t augments pool with mane n and type t. Returns index of existing or created entry. Raises Exception if the passed pool is too large.
val add_utf8 : extendable -> Utils.UTF8.t -> Utils.u2
add_utf8 pool s augments pool with constant s. Returns index of existing or created entry. Raises Exception if the passed pool is too large.
val add_method_handle : extendable -> Reference.t -> Utils.u2
add_method_handle pool reference augments pool with an handle to reference. Returns index of existing or created entry. Raises Exception if the passed pool is too large.
val add_method_type : extendable -> Descriptor.for_method -> Utils.u2
add_method_type pool method_type augments pool with method type method_type. Returns index of existing or created entry. Raises Exception if the passed pool is too large.
val add_invoke_dynamic : extendable ->
Utils.u2 -> Name.for_method -> Descriptor.for_method -> Utils.u2
add_invoke_dynamic pool index method_name method_type augments pool with invoke dynamic with index into BootstrapMethods attributes, method method_name of type method_type. Returns index of existing or created entry. Raises Exception if the passed pool is too large.
val add_moduleid : extendable -> Utils.UTF8.t -> Utils.UTF8.t -> Utils.u2
add_moduleid pool n v augments pool with name n and version v. Returns index of existing or created entry. Raises Exception if the passed pool is too large.
val to_pool : extendable -> t
Converts an extendable pool into a pool.