Module Command

module Command: sig .. end
Definition of commands to be launched from command-line.

module type T = sig .. end
The type of commands with names, parameters, and implementation.
val build_args : string ->
(Arg.key * Arg.spec * Arg.doc) list -> (Arg.key * Arg.spec * Arg.doc) list
build_args cmd args returns args with overloaded "-help" and "--help" switches for command cmd.
type base_parameters = {
   mutable class_path :ClassPath.t; (*Class path to process elements.*)
   mutable elements :string list; (*Elements to process.*)
The type of basic command parameters.
val make_base_parameters : string ->
base_parameters * (Arg.key * Arg.spec * Arg.doc) list * Arg.anon_fun
Returns the elements needed to process base_parameters; class path is handled through "-cp" and "-classpath", while elements are the other arguments provided on the command-line. The passed string is the name of the command.
val make_empty_parameters : string -> unit * (Arg.key * Arg.spec * Arg.doc) list * Arg.anon_fun
Returns the elements needed accept no parameter. The passed string is the name of the command.
val make_header_printer : int -> string -> unit
make_header_printer n returns a function to print headers on the standard output. Nothing will be printed by the returned function if n <= 1, otherwise the passed string will be printed enclosed with dashes.