Module ByteCode

module ByteCode: sig .. end
Definition of bytecode elements as well as i/o functions.

Bytecode elements are low-level code elements, high-level elements being provided by Instruction module.


type short_offset = Utils.s2 
The type of short offsets for jump instructions.
type long_offset = Utils.s4 
The type of long offsets for jump instructions.
type instruction = 
| AALOAD (*load reference from array.*)
| AASTORE (*store into reference array.*)
| ACONST_NULL (*push null.*)
| ALOAD of Utils.u1 (*load reference from local variable.*)
| ALOAD_0 (*load reference from local variable.*)
| ALOAD_1 (*load reference from local variable.*)
| ALOAD_2 (*load reference from local variable.*)
| ALOAD_3 (*load reference from local variable.*)
| ANEWARRAY of Utils.u2 (*create new array of references.*)
| ARETURN (*return reference from method.*)
| ARRAYLENGTH (*get length of array.*)
| ASTORE of Utils.u1 (*store reference into local variable.*)
| ASTORE_0 (*store reference into local variable.*)
| ASTORE_1 (*store reference into local variable.*)
| ASTORE_2 (*store reference into local variable.*)
| ASTORE_3 (*store reference into local variable.*)
| ATHROW (*throw exception or error.*)
| BALOAD (*load byte or boolean from array.*)
| BASTORE (*store into byte or boolean array.*)
| BIPUSH of Utils.s1 (*push byte.*)
| CALOAD (*load char from array.*)
| CASTORE (*store into char array.*)
| CHECKCAST of Utils.u2 (*check whether object is of given type.*)
| D2F (*convert double to float.*)
| D2I (*convert double to int.*)
| D2L (*convert double to long.*)
| DADD (*add double.*)
| DALOAD (*load double from array.*)
| DASTORE (*store into double array.*)
| DCMPG (*compare double.*)
| DCMPL (*compare double.*)
| DCONST_0 (*push double.*)
| DCONST_1 (*push double.*)
| DDIV (*divide double.*)
| DLOAD of Utils.u1 (*load double from local variable.*)
| DLOAD_0 (*load double from local variable.*)
| DLOAD_1 (*load double from local variable.*)
| DLOAD_2 (*load double from local variable.*)
| DLOAD_3 (*load double from local variable.*)
| DMUL (*multiply double.*)
| DNEG (*negate double.*)
| DREM (*remainder double.*)
| DRETURN (*return double from method.*)
| DSTORE of Utils.u1 (*store double into local variable.*)
| DSTORE_0 (*store double into local variable.*)
| DSTORE_1 (*store double into local variable.*)
| DSTORE_2 (*store double into local variable.*)
| DSTORE_3 (*store double into local variable.*)
| DSUB (*subtract double.*)
| DUP (*duplicate the top operand stack value.*)
| DUP2 (*duplicate the top one or two operand stack values.*)
| DUP2_X1 (*duplicate the top one or two operand stack values and insert two or three values down.*)
| DUP2_X2 (*duplicate the top one or two operand stack values and insert two, three, or four values down.*)
| DUP_X1 (*duplicate the top operand stack value and insert two values down.*)
| DUP_X2 (*duplicate the top operand stack value and insert two or threee values down.*)
| F2D (*convert float to double.*)
| F2I (*convert float to int.*)
| F2L (*convert float to long.*)
| FADD (*add float.*)
| FALOAD (*load float from array.*)
| FASTORE (*store into float array.*)
| FCMPG (*compare float.*)
| FCMPL (*compare float.*)
| FCONST_0 (*push float.*)
| FCONST_1 (*push float.*)
| FCONST_2 (*push float.*)
| FDIV (*divide float.*)
| FLOAD of Utils.u1 (*load float from local variable.*)
| FLOAD_0 (*load float from local variable.*)
| FLOAD_1 (*load float from local variable.*)
| FLOAD_2 (*load float from local variable.*)
| FLOAD_3 (*load float from local variable.*)
| FMUL (*multiply float.*)
| FNEG (*negate float.*)
| FREM (*remainder float.*)
| FRETURN (*return float from method.*)
| FSTORE of Utils.u1 (*store float into local variable.*)
| FSTORE_0 (*store float into local variable.*)
| FSTORE_1 (*store float into local variable.*)
| FSTORE_2 (*store float into local variable.*)
| FSTORE_3 (*store float into local variable.*)
| FSUB (*subtract float.*)
| GETFIELD of Utils.u2 (*fetch field from object.*)
| GETSTATIC of Utils.u2 (*get static field from class.*)
| GOTO of short_offset (*branch always.*)
| GOTO_W of long_offset (*branch always.*)
| I2B (*convert int to byte.*)
| I2C (*convert int to char.*)
| I2D (*convert int to double.*)
| I2F (*convert int to float.*)
| I2L (*convert int to long.*)
| I2S (*convert int to short.*)
| IADD (*add int.*)
| IALOAD (*load int from array.*)
| IAND (*boolean AND int.*)
| IASTORE (*store into int array.*)
| ICONST_0 (*push int constant.*)
| ICONST_1 (*push int constant.*)
| ICONST_2 (*push int constant.*)
| ICONST_3 (*push int constant.*)
| ICONST_4 (*push int constant.*)
| ICONST_5 (*push int constant.*)
| ICONST_M1 (*push int constant.*)
| IDIV (*divide int.*)
| IF_ACMPEQ of short_offset (*branch if reference comparison succeeds.*)
| IF_ACMPNE of short_offset (*branch if reference comparison succeeds.*)
| IF_ICMPEQ of short_offset (*branch if int comparison succeeds.*)
| IF_ICMPGE of short_offset (*branch if int comparison succeeds.*)
| IF_ICMPGT of short_offset (*branch if int comparison succeeds.*)
| IF_ICMPLE of short_offset (*branch if int comparison succeeds.*)
| IF_ICMPLT of short_offset (*branch if int comparison succeeds.*)
| IF_ICMPNE of short_offset (*branch if int comparison succeeds.*)
| IFEQ of short_offset (*branch if int comparison with zero succeeds.*)
| IFGE of short_offset (*branch if int comparison with zero succeeds.*)
| IFGT of short_offset (*branch if int comparison with zero succeeds.*)
| IFLE of short_offset (*branch if int comparison with zero succeeds.*)
| IFLT of short_offset (*branch if int comparison with zero succeeds.*)
| IFNE of short_offset (*branch if int comparison with zero succeeds.*)
| IFNONNULL of short_offset (*branch if reference not null.*)
| IFNULL of short_offset (*branch if reference not null.*)
| IINC of Utils.u1 * Utils.s1 (*increment local variable by constant.*)
| ILOAD of Utils.u1 (*load int from local variable.*)
| ILOAD_0 (*load int from local variable.*)
| ILOAD_1 (*load int from local variable.*)
| ILOAD_2 (*load int from local variable.*)
| ILOAD_3 (*load int from local variable.*)
| IMUL (*multiply int.*)
| INEG (*negate int.*)
| INSTANCEOF of Utils.u2 (*determine if object is of given type.*)
| INVOKEDYNAMIC of Utils.u2 (*invoke instance method; resolve and dispatch based on class.*)
| INVOKEINTERFACE of Utils.u2 * Utils.u1 (*invoke interface method.*)
| INVOKESPECIAL of Utils.u2 (*invoke instance method; special handling for superclass, private, and instance initialization method invocations.*)
| INVOKESTATIC of Utils.u2 (*invoke a class (static) method.*)
| INVOKEVIRTUAL of Utils.u2 (*invoke instance method; dispatch based on class.*)
| IOR (*boolean OR int.*)
| IREM (*remainder int.*)
| IRETURN (*return int from method.*)
| ISHL (*shift left int.*)
| ISHR (*arithmetic shift right int.*)
| ISTORE of Utils.u1 (*store int into local variable.*)
| ISTORE_0 (*store int into local variable.*)
| ISTORE_1 (*store int into local variable.*)
| ISTORE_2 (*store int into local variable.*)
| ISTORE_3 (*store int into local variable.*)
| ISUB (*subtract int.*)
| IUSHR (*logical shift right int.*)
| IXOR (*boolean XOR int.*)
| JSR of short_offset (*jump subroutine.*)
| JSR_W of long_offset (*jump subroutine (wide index).*)
| L2D (*convert long to double.*)
| L2F (*convert long to float.*)
| L2I (*convert long to int.*)
| LADD (*add long.*)
| LALOAD (*load long from array.*)
| LAND (*boolean AND long.*)
| LASTORE (*store into long array.*)
| LCMP (*compare long.*)
| LCONST_0 (*push long constant.*)
| LCONST_1 (*push long constant.*)
| LDC of Utils.u1 (*push item from runtime constant pool.*)
| LDC2_W of Utils.u2 (*push long or double from runtime constant pool (wide index).*)
| LDC_W of Utils.u2 (*push item from runtime constant pool (wide index).*)
| LDIV (*divide long.*)
| LLOAD of Utils.u1 (*load long from local variable.*)
| LLOAD_0 (*load long from local variable.*)
| LLOAD_1 (*load long from local variable.*)
| LLOAD_2 (*load long from local variable.*)
| LLOAD_3 (*load long from local variable.*)
| LMUL (*multiply long.*)
| LNEG (*negate long.*)
| LOOKUPSWITCH of long_offset * Utils.s4 * (Utils.s4 * long_offset) list (*access jump table by key match and jump.*)
| LOR (*boolean OR long.*)
| LREM (*remainder long.*)
| LRETURN (*return long from method.*)
| LSHL (*shift left long.*)
| LSHR (*arithmetic shift right long.*)
| LSTORE of Utils.u1 (*store long into local variable.*)
| LSTORE_0 (*store long into local variable.*)
| LSTORE_1 (*store long into local variable.*)
| LSTORE_2 (*store long into local variable.*)
| LSTORE_3 (*store long into local variable.*)
| LSUB (*subtract long.*)
| LUSHR (*logical shift right long.*)
| LXOR (*boolean XOR long.*)
| MONITORENTER (*enter monitor for object.*)
| MONITOREXIT (*exit monitor for object.*)
| MULTIANEWARRAY of Utils.u2 * Utils.u1 (*create new multidimensional array.*)
| NEW of Utils.u2 (*create new object.*)
| NEWARRAY of Utils.u1 (*create new arrayhandler.*)
| NOP (*do nothing.*)
| POP (*pop the top operand stack value.*)
| POP2 (*pop the top one or two operand stack values.*)
| PUTFIELD of Utils.u2 (*set field in object.*)
| PUTSTATIC of Utils.u2 (*set static field in class.*)
| RET of Utils.u1 (*return from subroutine.*)
| RETURN (*return void from method.*)
| SALOAD (*load short from array.*)
| SASTORE (*store into short array.*)
| SIPUSH of Utils.s2 (*push short.*)
| SWAP (*swap the top two operand stack values.*)
| TABLESWITCH of long_offset * Utils.s4 * Utils.s4 * long_offset list (*access jump table by index and jump.*)
| WIDE_ALOAD of Utils.u2 (*load reference from local variable.*)
| WIDE_ASTORE of Utils.u2 (*store reference into local variable.*)
| WIDE_DLOAD of Utils.u2 (*load double from local variable.*)
| WIDE_DSTORE of Utils.u2 (*store double into local variable.*)
| WIDE_FLOAD of Utils.u2 (*load float from local variable.*)
| WIDE_FSTORE of Utils.u2 (*store float into local variable.*)
| WIDE_IINC of Utils.u2 * Utils.s2 (*increment local variable by constant.*)
| WIDE_ILOAD of Utils.u2 (*load int from local variable.*)
| WIDE_ISTORE of Utils.u2 (*store int into local variable.*)
| WIDE_LLOAD of Utils.u2 (*load long from local variable.*)
| WIDE_LSTORE of Utils.u2 (*store long into local variable.*)
| WIDE_RET of Utils.u2 (*return from subroutine.*)
The type of instructions.


type error = 
| Invalid_padding_byte
| Unknown_opcode
| Invalid_trailing_byte
| Invalid_trailing_short
| Internal
| Invalid_switch_cases
exception Exception of error
val string_of_error : error -> string

I/O functions

val read : InputStream.t -> int -> instruction list
read st ofs reads an instruction list from st using offset ofs. The offset is needed because some instructions include padding in order to align data on given offsets. Raises Exception if an unknown opcode is encountered. Raises Exception if an invalid instruction is encountered. Raises InputStream.Exception if an i/o error occurs.
val write : OutputStream.t -> int -> instruction list -> unit
write st ofs l writes instruction list l onto st using offset ofs. The offset is needed because some instructions include padding in order to align data on given offsets. Raises OutputStream.Exception if an i/o error occurs.