Module Signature

module Signature: sig .. end
Signatures definition as well as conversion functions from and to strings.

Signatures definition

The following types are direct mappings from the class file specification. One should refer to this document for the semantics of these types.
type class_signature = {
   formal_type_parameters :formal_type_parameter list;
   super_class_signature :class_type_signature;
   super_interface_signatures :class_type_signature list;
type formal_type_parameter = {
   identifier :Utils.UTF8.t;
   class_bound :field_type_signature;
   interface_bounds :field_type_signature list;
type field_type_signature = 
| Class_type_signature of class_type_signature
| Array_type_signature of array_type_signature
| Type_variable_signature of type_variable_signature
type class_type_signature = {
   qualified_class_name :Name.for_class;
   type_arguments :type_argument list;
   signature_suffix :class_type_signature_suffix list;
type array_type_signature = type_signature 
type type_signature = 
| Field_type_signature of field_type_signature
| Base_type of Descriptor.java_type
type type_variable_signature = Utils.UTF8.t 
type type_argument = 
| Star
| Plus of field_type_signature
| Minus of field_type_signature
| Simple of field_type_signature
type class_type_signature_suffix = {
   suffix_identifier :Utils.UTF8.t;
   suffix_type_arguments :type_argument list;
type method_signature = {
   formal_type_params :formal_type_parameter list;
   types :type_signature list;
   return :type_signature;
   throws_signatures :throws_signature list;
type throws_signature = 
| Throws_class_type_signature of class_type_signature
| Throws_type_variable_signature of type_variable_signature
val equal_class_signature : class_signature -> class_signature -> bool
Equality over class signatures.
val equal_formal_type_parameter : formal_type_parameter -> formal_type_parameter -> bool
Equality over formal type parameters.
val equal_field_type_signature : field_type_signature -> field_type_signature -> bool
Equality over field type signatures.
val equal_class_type_signature : class_type_signature -> class_type_signature -> bool
Equality over class type signatures.
val equal_array_type_signature : array_type_signature -> array_type_signature -> bool
Equality over array type signatures.
val equal_type_signature : type_signature -> type_signature -> bool
Equality over type signatures.
val equal_type_variable_signature : type_variable_signature ->
type_variable_signature -> bool
Equality over type variable signatures.
val equal_type_argument : type_argument -> type_argument -> bool
Equality over type arguments.
val equal_class_type_signature_suffix : class_type_signature_suffix ->
class_type_signature_suffix -> bool
Equality over class type signature suffixes.
val equal_method_signature : method_signature -> method_signature -> bool
Equality over method signatures.
val equal_throws_signature : throws_signature -> throws_signature -> bool
Equality over throws signatures.
val compare_class_signature : class_signature -> class_signature -> int
Comparison over class signatures.
val compare_formal_type_parameter : formal_type_parameter -> formal_type_parameter -> int
Comparison over formal type parameters.
val compare_field_type_signature : field_type_signature -> field_type_signature -> int
Comparison over field type signatures.
val compare_class_type_signature : class_type_signature -> class_type_signature -> int
Comparison over class type signatures.
val compare_array_type_signature : array_type_signature -> array_type_signature -> int
Comparison over array type signatures.
val compare_type_signature : type_signature -> type_signature -> int
Comparison over type signatures.
val compare_type_variable_signature : type_variable_signature -> type_variable_signature -> int
Comparison over type variable signatures.
val compare_type_argument : type_argument -> type_argument -> int
Comparison over type arguments.
val compare_class_type_signature_suffix : class_type_signature_suffix ->
class_type_signature_suffix -> int
Comparison over class type signature suffixes.
val compare_method_signature : method_signature -> method_signature -> int
Comparison over method signatures.
val compare_throws_signature : throws_signature -> throws_signature -> int
Comparison over throws signature.
val hash_class_signature : class_signature -> int
Hash function over class signatures.
val hash_formal_type_parameter : formal_type_parameter -> int
Hash function over formal type parameters.
val hash_field_type_signature : field_type_signature -> int
Hash function over field type signatures.
val hash_class_type_signature : class_type_signature -> int
Hash function over class type signatures.
val hash_array_type_signature : array_type_signature -> int
Hash function over array type signatures.
val hash_type_signature : type_signature -> int
Hash function over type signatures.
val hash_type_variable_signature : type_variable_signature -> int
Hash function over type variable signatures.
val hash_type_argument : type_argument -> int
Hash function over type arguments.
val hash_class_type_signature_suffix : class_type_signature_suffix -> int
Hash function over class type signature suffixes.
val hash_method_signature : method_signature -> int
Hash function over method signatures.
val hash_throws_signature : throws_signature -> int
Hash function over throws signatures.


type error = 
| Invalid_signature_type_header of Utils.UChar.t
| Invalid_signature_primitive_character of Utils.UChar.t
| Invalid_signature_type of Descriptor.java_type
| Invalid_class_signature of Utils.UTF8.t
| Invalid_field_signature of Utils.UTF8.t
| Invalid_method_signature of Utils.UTF8.t
| Extra_elements_after_class_signature of Utils.UTF8.t
| Extra_elements_after_field_signature of Utils.UTF8.t
| Extra_elements_after_method_signature of Utils.UTF8.t
exception Exception of error
val string_of_error : error -> string

Conversion functions

val class_signature_of_utf8 : Utils.UTF8.t -> class_signature
Converts a string (as used in class file) into the corresponding signature. Raises Exception if conversion fails.
val utf8_of_class_signature : class_signature -> Utils.UTF8.t
Converts a signature into the corresponding string (as used in class file). Raises Exception if conversion fails.
val field_type_signature_of_utf8 : Utils.UTF8.t -> field_type_signature
Converts a string (as used in class file) into the corresponding signature. Raises Exception if conversion fails.
val utf8_of_field_type_signature : field_type_signature -> Utils.UTF8.t
Converts a signature into the corresponding string (as used in class file). Raises Exception if conversion fails.
val method_signature_of_utf8 : Utils.UTF8.t -> method_signature
Converts a string (as used in class file) into the corresponding signature. Raises Exception if conversion fails.
val utf8_of_method_signature : method_signature -> Utils.UTF8.t
Converts a signature into the corresponding string (as used in class file). Raises Exception if conversion fails.