Module FlowPrinter

module FlowPrinter: sig .. end
Printing of method control flow.

type error = 
| Method_has_no_code
exception Exception of error
val string_of_error : error -> string
val print_to_buffer : Utils.UTF8Buffer.t -> Graph.format -> ClassLoader.t -> Utils.UTF8.t -> unit
print_to_stream buff fmt cl cn appends to the passed buffer buff the control flow of the method whose descriptor is mn in classloader cp, using graph format fmt.

Raises Lookup.Exception if class cannot be loaded, method name is invalid, or method has no code.

val print_to_stream : OutputStream.t -> Graph.format -> ClassLoader.t -> Utils.UTF8.t -> unit
print_to_stream st fmt cl cn prints onto the passed stream the control flow of the method whose descriptor is mn in classloader cp, using graph format fmt.

Raises Lookup.Exception if class cannot be loaded, method name is invalid, or method has no code.

val print : Graph.format -> ClassLoader.t -> Utils.UTF8.t -> unit
print fmt cl mn prints onto the standard output the control flow of the method whose descriptor is mn in classloader cl, using graph format fmt.

Raises Lookup.Exception if class cannot be loaded, method name is invalid, or method has no code.