Module ControlFlow

module ControlFlow: sig .. end
Types and functions related to control flow information.

Warning: although graphs expose a functional interface, their current implementation is based on identifiers for the vertices. While this is not observable for most programs, this may lead to inconsistent behaviour when graphs are marshalled and then unmarshalled. To ensure that an unmarshalled graph can be used with no risk of identifier collision, one should call identity on any unmarshlled graph.

Base types

type return_kind = 
| Reference (*Indicates that the instruction returns a reference.*)
| Double (*Indicates that the instruction returns a double.*)
| Float (*Indicates that the instruction returns a float.*)
| Integer (*Indicates that the instruction returns an integer.*)
| Long (*Indicates that the instruction returns a long.*)
| Void (*Indicates that the instruction returns nothing.*)
The type representing the kind of values returned by a xreturn instruction.
type jump_kind = 
| References_equal (*Indicates that the jump will be performed if the references are equal.*)
| References_not_equal (*Indicates that the jump will be performed if the references are different.*)
| Integers_equal (*Indicates that the jump will be performed if the integers are equal.*)
| Integers_greater_or_equal (*Indicates that the jump will be performed if the first integer is greater than or equal to the second one.*)
| Integers_greater (*Indicates that the jump will be performed if the first integer is greater than the second one.*)
| Integers_lower_or_equal (*Indicates that the jump will be performed if the first integer is lower than or equal to the second one.*)
| Integers_lower (*Indicates that the jump will be performed if the first integer is lower than the second one.*)
| Integers_not_equal (*Indicates that the jump will be performed if the integers are different.*)
| Integer_equal_zero (*Indicates that the jump will be performed if the integer is equal to zero.*)
| Integer_greater_or_equal_zero (*Indicates that the jump will be performed if the integer is greater than or equal to zero.*)
| Integer_greater_zero (*Indicates that the jump will be performed if the integer is greater than zero.*)
| Integer_lower_or_equal_zero (*Indicates that the jump will be performed if the integer is lower than or equal to zero.*)
| Integer_lower_zero (*Indicates that the jump will be performed if the integer is lower than zero.*)
| Integer_not_equal_zero (*Indicates that the jump will be performed if the integer is different from zero.*)
| Reference_null (*Indicates that the jump will be performed if the reference is null.*)
| Reference_not_null (*Indicates that the jump will be performed if the reference is not null.*)
The type representing the kind of condition associated with a jump instruction.
val nb_args_of_jump_kind : jump_kind -> int
Returns the number of arguments used by the passed jump kind.
val opposite_jump_kind : jump_kind -> jump_kind
Returns the jump kind that is the opposite (i. e. negation) of the passed one.
type switch_kind = 
| Table of Utils.s4 * Utils.s4 (*Indicates that the switch is a table switch (parameters being lower and upper bounds).*)
| Lookup of Utils.s4 list (*Indicates that the switch is a lookup switch (parameter being the list of values).*)
The type representing the values associated with a switch instruction.
val nb_args_of_switch_kind : switch_kind -> int
Returns the number of arguments used by the passed switch kind.


type error = 
| Unsupported_instruction of string
| Vertex_not_in_graph
| Invalid_switch_edge
| Empty_graph
| Cannot_remove_root
exception Exception of error
val string_of_error : error -> string

Flow information for instructions

type for_instruction = 
| Next_instruction (*Indicates that the execution will continue with the following instruction.*)
| Unconditional_jump of Utils.s4 (*Indicates that the execution will continue with the instruction at the specified offset.*)
| Conditional_jump of jump_kind * Utils.s4 (*Indicates that the execution will continue with either the following instruction or the one at the specified offset, according to the kind of jump.*)
| Switch_jump of (switch_kind * Utils.s4 * Utils.s4 list) (*Indicates that the execution will continue to an instruction specified by the switch kind (other parameters being default offset and list of offsets).*)
| Called_method (*Indicates that the execution will continue in the method called by the instruction.*)
| Calling_method of return_kind (*Indicates that the execution will continue in the calling method (parameter indicating the type of the returned value).*)
| Exception_handler (*Indicates that the execution will continue in an exception handler (the instruction unconditionally throws an exception).*)
The type representing control flow information for an instruction.
val for_instruction : Instruction.t -> for_instruction
Returns the control flow information for the passed instruction. Raises Exception if the instruction is unsupported (jsr, jsr_w, ret, or wide ret).

Flow information for methods

Graph definition

type 'a vertex 
The type of graph vertices, each being labeled with an instruction list and a value of type 'a.
type 'a edge = 
| Unconditional_edge of 'a (*Binary edge.*)
| Conditional_edge of jump_kind * 'a * 'a (*Ternary edge labeled with jump kind (first destination is chosen when condition is true).*)
| Switch_edge of (switch_kind * 'a * 'a list) (*N-ary edge labeled with switch kind, default destination, and destinations for values given by switch kind.*)
The type of graph edges, 'a being the type of edge destinations.
type ('a, 'b) graph 
The type of control flow graphs for methods (actually hypergraphs), 'a and 'b being respectively the types of vertex and edge labels. Graphs are applicative data structures.

A control flow graph is defined by:

The following properties hold:

Graph utilities

val equal_vertex : 'a vertex -> 'a vertex -> bool
Equality over vertices.
val equal_edge : ('a -> 'a -> bool) -> 'a edge -> 'a edge -> bool
Equality over edges.

Graph constructor and accessors

val make_graph : Instruction.t list ->
'a -> ('a, 'b) graph * 'a vertex
make_graph instrs lbl returns both a graph reduced to its root and the aforementioned root. Instructions instrs and label lbl are associated with the root.
val contains_vertex : ('a, 'b) graph -> 'a vertex -> bool
Checks whether the passed graph contains the passed vertex.
val add_vertex : ('a, 'b) graph ->
Instruction.t list ->
'a -> ('a, 'b) graph * 'a vertex
add_vertex g instrs lbl returns a couple g', v where g' is g augmented with a new vertex v labeled with instrs and lbl.
val add_edge : ('a, 'b) graph ->
'a vertex ->
'a vertex edge -> 'b -> ('a, 'b) graph
add_edge g v e l returns a graph that is g augmented with a new edge e from v labeled with l. Raises Exception if either v or any vertex of e is not in g, or if the edge is an invalid switch edge.
val add_handler : ('a, 'b) graph ->
'a vertex ->
Name.for_class option ->
'a vertex -> 'b -> ('a, 'b) graph
add_handler g src cn dst lbl returns a graph that is g augmented with a handler from src to dst for exception cn labeled with lbl. Raises Exception if either src of dst is not in g.
val change_root : ('a, 'b) graph ->
'a vertex -> ('a, 'b) graph
Changes the root of the passed graph to the passed vertex. Raises Exception if the vertex is not in the graph.
val remove_vertex : ('a, 'b) graph ->
'a vertex -> ('a, 'b) graph
remove_vertex g v returns a graph that is g without v and associated edge and handlers. Raises Exception if v is not in g.
val remove_vertices : ('a, 'b) graph ->
'a vertex list -> ('a, 'b) graph
remove_vertices g l returns a graph that is g without the vertices l and associated edges and handlers. Equivalent to remove_vertex over all elements from l, except that performances are much better. Raises Exception if any vertex from l is not in g.
val remove_edge : ('a, 'b) graph ->
'a vertex -> ('a, 'b) graph
remove_edge g v returns a graph that is g without the edge going out of v. Raises Exception if v is not in g.
val remove_handler : ('a, 'b) graph ->
'a vertex ->
Name.for_class option -> 'a vertex -> ('a, 'b) graph
remove_handler g src cn dst returns a graph that is g without the handler from src to dst for exception cn. Raises Exception if either src of dst is not in g.
val root_of_graph : ('a, 'b) graph -> 'a vertex
Returns the root of the passed graph.
val instructions_of_vertex : 'a vertex -> Instruction.t list
Returns the instruction list of the passed vertex.
val label_of_vertex : 'a vertex -> 'a
Returns the label of the passed vertex.
val edge_of_vertex : ('a, 'b) graph ->
'a vertex -> 'b * 'a vertex edge
Returns the edge for the passed vertex in the passed graph, as well as the label associated with this edge. Raises Exception if the vertex is not in the graph. Raises Not_found if there is no edge associated with the vertex.
val predecessors_of_vertex : ('a, 'b) graph ->
'a vertex -> 'a vertex list
Returns the list of vertices that have the passed vertex as a destination. Raises Exception if the vertex is not in the graph.
val handlers_of_vertex : ('a, 'b) graph ->
'a vertex ->
('b * Name.for_class option * 'a vertex) list
Returns the list of handlers for the passed vertex in the passed graph. Raises Exception if the vertex is not in the graph.

Graph traversal

val iter_vertices : ('a vertex -> unit) -> ('a, 'b) graph -> unit
iter_vertices f g applies f in turn to the vertices of g.
val iter_edges : ('a vertex ->
'b -> 'a vertex edge -> unit) ->
('a, 'b) graph -> unit
iter_edges f g applies f in turn to the edges of g.
val iter_handlers : ('a vertex ->
'b -> Name.for_class option -> 'a vertex -> unit) ->
('a, 'b) graph -> unit
iter_handlers f g applies f in turn to the handlers of g.
val fold_vertices : ('a vertex -> 'c -> 'c) -> ('a, 'b) graph -> 'c -> 'c
fold_vertices f g z is f v1 (f v2 (... (f vn z) ...)) where the vi are the vertices of g.
val fold_edges : ('a vertex ->
'b -> 'a vertex edge -> 'c -> 'c) ->
('a, 'b) graph -> 'c -> 'c
fold_edges f g z is f s1 l1 e1 (f s2 l2 e2 (... (f sn ln en z) ...)) where the si, li, ei are the edges of g (components being source, label and destination).
val fold_handlers : ('a vertex ->
'b -> Name.for_class option -> 'a vertex -> 'c -> 'c) ->
('a, 'b) graph -> 'c -> 'c
fold_handlers f g z is f s1 l1 c1 h1 (f s2 l2 c2 h2 (... (f sn ln cn hn z) ...)) where the si, li, ci, hi are the handlers of g (components being source, label, caught exception, and handler).
val map_graph : ('a -> Instruction.t list -> 'c * Instruction.t list) ->
('b -> 'a vertex edge -> 'd) ->
('b -> Name.for_class option -> 'a vertex -> 'd) ->
('a, 'b) graph -> ('c, 'd) graph
map_graph f1 f2 f3 g maps g into a new graph structurally identical, using:
val identity : ('a, 'b) graph -> ('a, 'b) graph
identity g maps g into a new graph structurally identical, but with new identifiers for vertices.

Useful to guarantee that an unmarshalled graph has correct vertex identifiers.

Graph conversion

val to_plain_graph : ('a -> Utils.UTF8.t) ->
('b -> Utils.UTF8.t) -> ('a, 'b) graph -> Graph.t
to_plain_graph f1 f2 g converts g into its graph representation using f1 to convert vertex labels into strings, and f2 to convert edge labels into strings.

Graph construction from method elements

type line_mapper = Utils.u2 -> Utils.u2 
The type of functions mapping code offsets to associated source line numbers.
val dummy_mapper : line_mapper
A line mapper always returning 0.
val line_number_table_mapper : (Utils.u2 * Utils.u2) list -> line_mapper
line_number_table_mapper lnt returns a line mapper for the data of a LineNumberTable attribute.
val graph_of_instructions : ?line_mapper:line_mapper ->
Instruction.t list ->
Attribute.exception_table_element list ->
(int32 * Utils.u2 list, unit) graph
graph_of_instructions instrs exn_table constructs the graph for the method whose instructions are instrs and exception table is exn_table. The vertices of the returned graph are labeled with the offset of the first instruction associated with the vertex, and a list number lines (one number by instruction).

Raises Exception if instrs contains an instruction that is not supported by for_instruction, or if the resulting graph would be empty.