| |
Invalid_scope |
| |
Invalid_class_flags |
| |
Duplicate_extends |
| |
Duplicate_implements |
| |
Invalid_constant_value |
| |
Invalid_annotation |
| |
Code_too_large |
| |
Unable_compile |
| |
Duplicate_label of string |
| |
Undefined_label of string |
| |
Invalid_offset |
| |
Invalid_parameter |
| |
Invalid_flag of string |
| |
Flag_expected |
| |
Constant_out_of_bounds |
| |
Instruction_waited |
| |
Invalid_class |
| |
Invalid_field_flags |
| |
Invalid_field_name |
| |
Invalid_field_type |
| |
Invalid_field_directive |
| |
Invalid_return_type |
| |
Invalid_constructor_return_type |
| |
Invalid_constructor_flags |
| |
Invalid_initializer_signature |
| |
Invalid_initializer_flags |
| |
Invalid_method_flags |
| |
Invalid_method_directive |
| |
Exception_class_name_waited |
| |
Invalid_inner_class |
| |
Invalid_outer_class |
| |
Invalid_inner_name |
| |
Invalid_inner_class_flags |
| |
Invalid_method |
| |
Invalid_class_signature |
| |
Invalid_field_signature |
| |
Invalid_method_signature |
| |
Invalid_local_variable_type |
| |
Invalid_local_variable_signature |
| |
Invalid_attribute_arguments |
| |
Unknown_attribute |
| |
Invalid_directive_arguments |
| |
Invalid_directive |
| |
Syntax_error |
| |
Lexer_error of Lexer.error |
| |
ClassDefinition_error of ClassDefinition.error |
| |
ClassFile_error of ClassFile.error |
| |
Method_error of Method.error |
| |
Field_error of Field.error |
| |
Attribute_error of Attribute.error |
| |
Instruction_error of Instruction.error |
| |
ByteCode_error of ByteCode.error |
| |
Annotation_error of Annotation.error |
| |
AccessFlag_error of AccessFlag.error |
| |
LdcConstraint_error of LdcConstraint.error |
| |
ConstantPool_error of ConstantPool.error |
| |
Signature_error of Signature.error |
| |
Descriptor_error of Descriptor.error |
| |
Name_error of Name.error |
| |
Version_error of Version.error |
| |
Invalid_stack_frame |
| |
Internal_inner_class |
| |
Internal_pushback |
| |
Optimization_error of string |
| |
Several_frames_at_offset of Utils.u2 |
| |
Unable_to_compute_stack_frames of string |