Index of classes

default_archive_folder [ArchiveTraversal]
The default "folder", that encodes the identity over archives.
default_archive_iterator [ArchiveTraversal]
The default "iterator", that does nothing.
default_archive_mapper [ArchiveTraversal]
The default "mapper", that encodes the identity over archives.
default_class_definition_folder [ClassTraversal]
The default "folder", that folds over the whole structure by doing nothing.
default_class_definition_iterator [ClassTraversal]
The default "iterator", that iterates over the whole structure by doing nothing.
default_class_definition_mapper [ClassTraversal]
The default "mapper", that encodes the identity over class definitions.

lexer_state [Utils]
State class with classical utility functions used to implement lexers.

t [UTF8LexerStateImpl]