The following assembler source will result in a class file whose execution will print "hello world.".
.class public final pack.Test
.extends java.lang.Object
.method public static void main(java.lang.String[])
getstatic java.lang.System.out :
ldc "hello world.\n"
The following OCaml source will result in a class file whose execution will print "hello world.".
open BaristaLibrary
open Utils
let utf8 = UTF8.of_string
let utf8_for_class x = Name.make_for_class_from_external (utf8 x)
let utf8_for_field x = Name.make_for_field (utf8 x)
let utf8_for_method x = Name.make_for_method (utf8 x)
let example_Hello = utf8_for_class "example.Hello"
let java_lang_Object = utf8_for_class "java.lang.Object"
let java_lang_System = utf8_for_class "java.lang.System"
let java_lang_String = utf8_for_class "java.lang.String"
let java_io_PrintStream = utf8_for_class ""
let out = utf8_for_field "out"
let println = utf8_for_method "println"
let main = utf8_for_method "main"
let () =
let instructions = [
Instruction.GETSTATIC (java_lang_System, out, `Class java_io_PrintStream);
Instruction.LDC (`String (utf8 "hello."));
Instruction.INVOKEVIRTUAL (`Class_or_interface java_io_PrintStream,
([`Class java_lang_String], `Void));
] in
let code = {
Attribute.max_stack = u2 2;
Attribute.max_locals = u2 1;
Attribute.code = instructions;
Attribute.exception_table = [];
Attribute.attributes = [];
} in
let main_method =
Method.Regular { Method.flags = [`Public; `Static]; = main;
Method.descriptor = [`Array (`Class java_lang_String)], `Void;
Method.attributes = [`Code code] } in
let hello = {
ClassDefinition.access_flags = [`Public; `Super]; = example_Hello;
ClassDefinition.extends = Some java_lang_Object;
ClassDefinition.implements = [];
ClassDefinition.fields = [];
ClassDefinition.methods = [main_method];
ClassDefinition.attributes = [];
} in
let cf = ClassDefinition.encode hello in
ClassFile.write cf (OutputStream.make_of_channel (open_out "Hello.class"))