Class type ClassTraversal.class_definition_mapper

class type class_definition_mapper = object .. end
This class type defines a "mapper", instances being used as "functions" to transform class definitions. The "function" is defined by parts through the various methods of the object. Any method is responsible for the calling of its embedded elements; this means that the method class_definition should call methods to map fields, attributes, etc.

method class_definition : AccessFlag.for_class list ->
Name.for_class ->
Name.for_class option ->
Name.for_class list ->
Field.t list ->
Method.t list ->
Attribute.for_class list ->
AccessFlag.for_class list * Name.for_class * Name.for_class option *
Name.for_class list * Field.t list * Method.t list * Attribute.for_class list
method class_flags : AccessFlag.for_class list -> AccessFlag.for_class list
method class_name : Name.for_class -> Name.for_class
method class_extends : Name.for_class option -> Name.for_class option
method class_implements : Name.for_class list -> Name.for_class list
method class_fields : Field.t list -> Field.t list
method class_field : Field.t -> Field.t
method class_methods : Method.t list -> Method.t list
method class_method : Method.t -> Method.t
method class_attributes : Attribute.for_class list -> Attribute.for_class list
method class_attribute : Attribute.for_class -> Attribute.for_class
method field_flags : AccessFlag.for_field list -> AccessFlag.for_field list
method field_name : Name.for_field -> Name.for_field
method field_descriptor : Descriptor.for_field -> Descriptor.for_field
method field_attributes : Attribute.for_field list -> Attribute.for_field list
method field_attribute : Attribute.for_field -> Attribute.for_field
method regular_method : Method.regular -> Method.regular
method constructor_method : Method.constructor -> Method.constructor
method initializer_method : Method.class_initializer -> Method.class_initializer
method regular_method_flags : AccessFlag.for_method list -> AccessFlag.for_method list
method regular_method_name : Name.for_method -> Name.for_method
method regular_method_descriptor : Descriptor.for_method -> Descriptor.for_method
method regular_method_attributes : Attribute.for_method list -> Attribute.for_method list
method regular_method_attribute : Attribute.for_method -> Attribute.for_method
method constructor_flags : AccessFlag.for_constructor list -> AccessFlag.for_constructor list
method constructor_descriptor : Descriptor.for_parameter list -> Descriptor.for_parameter list
method constructor_attributes : Attribute.for_method list -> Attribute.for_method list
method constructor_attribute : Attribute.for_method -> Attribute.for_method
method initializer_flags : AccessFlag.for_initializer list -> AccessFlag.for_initializer list
method initializer_attributes : Attribute.for_method list -> Attribute.for_method list
method initializer_attribute : Attribute.for_method -> Attribute.for_method