type error =
Invalid_class_query of Utils.UTF8.t
| Cannot_find_class of Utils.UTF8.t
| Generic_arity_mismatch of Utils.UTF8.t * int * int
| Generic_cannot_be_parametrized
| Primitive_cannot_be_generic_argument
| Wildcard_cannot_be_generic_argument
| Generic_variable_bound_to_different_values of Utils.UTF8.t
| Void_cannot_be_an_array_element_type
| Invalid_generic_bound
| Ambiguity_in_generic_bound
| No_class_match
| Several_class_matches of Name.for_class list
| Invalid_field_query of Utils.UTF8.t
| No_field_match
| Several_field_matches of (Name.for_class * Name.for_field) list
| Invalid_constructor_query of Utils.UTF8.t
| No_constructor_match
| Several_constructor_matches of
(Name.for_class * Descriptor.for_parameter list) list
| Invalid_regular_method_query of Utils.UTF8.t
| No_regular_method_match
| Several_regular_method_matches of
(Name.for_class * Name.for_method * Descriptor.for_method) list
exception Exception of Lookup.error
val string_of_error : Lookup.error -> string
type java_type =
[ `Array of Lookup.non_void_java_type
| `Boolean
| `Byte
| `Char
| `Class of ClassDefinition.t
| `Double
| `Float
| `Generic of Utils.UTF8.t
| `Int
| `Long
| `Short
| `Void
| `Wildcard ]
and non_void_java_type =
[ `Array of Lookup.non_void_java_type
| `Boolean
| `Byte
| `Char
| `Class of ClassDefinition.t
| `Double
| `Float
| `Generic of Utils.UTF8.t
| `Int
| `Long
| `Short
| `Wildcard ]
type substitution = Lookup.java_type Utils.UTF8Map.t
type 'a result = {
value : 'a;
with_generics : bool;
substitution : Lookup.substitution;
val equal_java_type : Lookup.java_type -> Lookup.java_type -> bool
val matches_descriptor :
Lookup.substitution -> Lookup.java_type -> Descriptor.java_type -> bool
type for_class
val utf8_for_class : Lookup.for_class -> Utils.UTF8.t
val make_for_class_from_utf8 : bool -> Utils.UTF8.t -> Lookup.for_class
val search_for_classes :
?open_packages:Utils.UTF8.t list ->
ClassLoader.t -> Lookup.for_class -> ClassDefinition.t Lookup.result list
val search_for_class :
?open_packages:Utils.UTF8.t list ->
ClassLoader.t -> Lookup.for_class -> ClassDefinition.t Lookup.result
val for_classes :
bool ->
?open_packages:Utils.UTF8.t list ->
ClassLoader.t -> Utils.UTF8.t -> ClassDefinition.t Lookup.result list
val for_class :
bool ->
?open_packages:Utils.UTF8.t list ->
ClassLoader.t -> Utils.UTF8.t -> ClassDefinition.t Lookup.result
type for_field
val utf8_for_field : Lookup.for_field -> Utils.UTF8.t
val make_for_field_from_utf8 : bool -> Utils.UTF8.t -> Lookup.for_field
val search_for_fields :
?open_packages:Utils.UTF8.t list ->
ClassLoader.t ->
Lookup.for_field -> (ClassDefinition.t * Field.t) Lookup.result list
val search_for_field :
?open_packages:Utils.UTF8.t list ->
ClassLoader.t ->
Lookup.for_field -> (ClassDefinition.t * Field.t) Lookup.result
val for_fields :
bool ->
?open_packages:Utils.UTF8.t list ->
ClassLoader.t ->
Utils.UTF8.t -> (ClassDefinition.t * Field.t) Lookup.result list
val for_field :
bool ->
?open_packages:Utils.UTF8.t list ->
ClassLoader.t ->
Utils.UTF8.t -> (ClassDefinition.t * Field.t) Lookup.result
type for_constructor
val utf8_for_constructor : Lookup.for_constructor -> Utils.UTF8.t
val make_for_constructor_from_utf8 :
bool -> Utils.UTF8.t -> Lookup.for_constructor
val search_for_constructors :
?open_packages:Utils.UTF8.t list ->
ClassLoader.t ->
Lookup.for_constructor ->
(ClassDefinition.t * Method.constructor) Lookup.result list
val search_for_constructor :
?open_packages:Utils.UTF8.t list ->
ClassLoader.t ->
Lookup.for_constructor ->
(ClassDefinition.t * Method.constructor) Lookup.result
val for_constructors :
bool ->
?open_packages:Utils.UTF8.t list ->
ClassLoader.t ->
Utils.UTF8.t ->
(ClassDefinition.t * Method.constructor) Lookup.result list
val for_constructor :
bool ->
?open_packages:Utils.UTF8.t list ->
ClassLoader.t ->
Utils.UTF8.t -> (ClassDefinition.t * Method.constructor) Lookup.result
type for_regular_method
val utf8_for_regular_method : Lookup.for_regular_method -> Utils.UTF8.t
val make_for_regular_method_from_utf8 :
bool -> Utils.UTF8.t -> Lookup.for_regular_method
val search_for_regular_methods :
?open_packages:Utils.UTF8.t list ->
ClassLoader.t ->
Lookup.for_regular_method ->
(ClassDefinition.t * Method.regular) Lookup.result list
val search_for_regular_method :
?open_packages:Utils.UTF8.t list ->
ClassLoader.t ->
Lookup.for_regular_method ->
(ClassDefinition.t * Method.regular) Lookup.result
val for_regular_methods :
bool ->
?open_packages:Utils.UTF8.t list ->
ClassLoader.t ->
Utils.UTF8.t -> (ClassDefinition.t * Method.regular) Lookup.result list
val for_regular_method :
bool ->
?open_packages:Utils.UTF8.t list ->
ClassLoader.t ->
Utils.UTF8.t -> (ClassDefinition.t * Method.regular) Lookup.result