Barista 2.0-beta
Reference Manual

Copyright © 2007-2013 Xavier Clerc –
Released under the LGPL v3

March 7, 2013


This document presents Barista, the command-line program as well as the underlying OCaml library. The purpose of both is to allow easy manipulation of Java class files in their compiled (a.k.a. bytecode form).
The program allows one to asssemble and disassemble class file, respectively from and to a source format called assembler (which is essentially a human-readable form of the bytecode). The program also allows one to retrieve information about a classfile, by printing either the contents of a class or the control flow of a method.
The OCaml library (upon which the program is built) allows more sophisticate analysis and manipulation of class file (and also package and module files). Its primary goal is to be used as the back-end for code generation in the OCaml-Java project (, which provides a compiler from OCaml sources into Java class files.

This manual is structured in five chapters, and four appendixes.
After a first chapter providing an overview of the Barista project, the second chapter explains how Barista can be built from sources and details its dependencies. Then, chapter three introduces the Barista program and how it can be executed, while chapter four introduces the the format of so-called assembler source file. The last chapter shed light on Barista as an OCaml library and provides entry points to its API. Finally, the three appendixes summarize all the instructions recognized by the Barista assembler, classified under three different ways (namely: alphabetically, by categories, and by opcode number) for easy reference. The fourth appendix presents the syntax extension used throughout the Barista sources.


Chapter 1  Overview

This chapter presents some elements about the Barista project: its contents and objectives, its evolution, and also its management.

1.1  Current state

Barista is initially an OCaml1 library designed to load, construct, manipulate and save Java2 class files. The library supports the whole class file format as defined by Oracle®(formerly Sun®). The Barista library was designed to be used in the OCaml-Java project (available at for code generation.
Upon the library, a command-line utility (also named “barista”) has been developped: both an assembler and a disassembler for the Java platform. In its 2.0-beta version, Barista supports Java 1.7 and needs OCaml 4.00.1 to build. Code sample 1.1 below shows the canonical basic example coded in the Barista assembler; the assembler will turn it into a class file to be run into ja Java virtual machine. Chapter 4 describes the format of such assembler sources.
The disassembler does the same work in the opposite direction: it takes the fully qualified name of a Java bytecode class file present in the classpath, and transforms it into an assembler source. Two other utility allow to inspect the contents of a bytecode file; it is possible to just print the list of methods of a given class, and also to print the control flow of a given method as a graph.

1.2  Some history

From version 1.0β to 1.4, Barista also featured a Java API allowing to use Barista directly from Java. This API has been removed as of version 2.0. This removal was motivated by the following three reasons, sorted from most to least valuable. First, it introduced a circular dependency between Barista and the rest of the OCaml-Java project, intricating both. Second, it was a burden to manually update the API in order to keep it a Java look and feel. Third, it was pretty unused; those who actually want to use Barista from Java should take a look at the OCaml-Java project, and the ways it provides to interface OCaml and Java codes.
The 2.0 version of Barista is quite a leap forward: it claims full support for Java 1.7 (including serialization, various optimization on produced class files, and handling of package files), and has seen a major overhaul of the API to make it as simple, readable, and type-safe as can be. Of course, this induced backward-incompatible changes which motivated the jump in version numbering from 1.4 to 2.0.

1.3  Glimpse of the assembler syntax

Before dwelling upon technical issues in the next two chapters, here is the classical hello world example as it should be programmed in the Barista assembler (see code sample 1.1).

Code sample 1.1: The classical “hello world” in Barista assembler.

.class public final pack.Test
.extends java.lang.Object

.method public static void main(java.lang.String[])
        getstatic java.lang.System.out :
        ldc "hello world.\n"

As in most so-called assembly languages, the source format is line-oriented (meaning that in most cases an instruction cannot be split over multiple lines), and directives (how to interpret things) are discriminated from instructions (what things should be done) by prefixing the directive with a “.” character (i.e. a dot).
To be able to use the assembler, and to understand this very manual, good familiarity with Java in general and with the class file format in particular is assumed. One should refer to the documentation published by Oracle® for more information (a good entry point for the JVM specification being

1.4  Contributions

In order to improve the project, I am primarily looking for testers and bug reporters. Pointing errors in documentation and indicating where it should be enhanced is also very helpful.
Bug reports can be made at
Other requests can be sent to

The official OCaml website can be reached at and contains the full development suite (compilers, tools, virtual machine, etc.) as well as links to third-party contributions.
The official Java website can be reached at where most of official Java information can be found.

Chapter 2  Building Barista from sources

This chapter first lists the various libraries and tools Barista depends upon. Then, the following sections explains the steps to follow in order to build, and then install Barista (both the program and the library) from sources.

2.1  Dependencies

In order to compile the Barista sources, one needs OCaml 4.00.1, and GNU make 3.81. Compilation is actually realized by the ocamlbuild tool, although launched through the targets of a Makefile. Additionally, Barista depends upon the following OCaml libraries that should hence be installed before build:

2.2  Configuration

Before the actual compilation could be launched, it is necessary to configure the build process to the actuel machine and system used. To this end, one should execute the configure script (e.g. by running ./configure). This script recognizes the following command-line options, that can be used to supersede the autodetection the script performs:

Upon sucessful execution, a Makefile.config file is produced which contains the information either inferred by or passed to the script.

2.3  Compilation

Once configured, Barista can be built by calling the make program. It will first compile the syntax extension used for all sources (presented at appendix D), and then compile the actual sources.
The following targets are available:

2.4  Installation

Finally, as shown in the previous section, the installation of Barista is done by calling make install. However, two important things should be noted about installation.
First, the actual installation path depends on whether ocamlfind is enabled: if so, every file will be installed in the ocamlfind hierarchy; otherwise, the library will be installed in the …/lib/ocaml/barista directory, and the program executables will be installed in the same directory as the OCaml compilers.
Second, to install the files to their final destination, the user may need to have to acquire privileged rights; this is usually done through the sudo command, leading to a full installation command of sudo make install.

Findlib, a library manager for OCaml, is available at

Chapter 3  Using Barista as a command-line program

The Barista program exists under two or three forms: barista.byte, barista.native, and optionally barista.jar. The first one is an OCaml bytecode file, the second one is a native executable, and the third one is an executable jar file compiled only if the ocamljava compiler is present. All three programs should behave the same way, only differing in execution speed.
For convenience, at installation a symbolic link is created from barista to either barista.native or barista.byte in the installation directory. This allows one to only refer to barista in order to launch the faster version of the program.
Since version 2.0, Barista uses the concept of subcommands (as usually found e.g. in version management systems) to let the user indicate which action to perform. As natural in this kind of settings, the command-line switches recognized depend on the subcommand that is passed immediatly after the name of the executable. As an example, this means that invoking Barista to assemble a file is done by the following command line:

barista assemble source.j

The following sections presents the various available commands. All commands invoving a classpath set by default this value to the value of the environment variable named CLASSPATH if it exists, to “.” (a.k.a. dot) otherwise.

3.1  The assemble subcommand (alias: asm)

Assembles (i.e. compiles) the passed assembler files into Java bytecode class files.
The assemble subcommand recognizes the following parameters:

3.2  The disassemble subcommand (alias: dasm)

Disassembles (i.e. decompiles) the passed Java bytecode class files into assembler files.
The disassemble subcommand recognizes the following parameters:

3.3  The flow subcommand

Prints onto the standard output the control flow of the passed methods. The output format is the dot format1. The passed methods should follow the format for method signatures as presented in chapter 4. As an example, printing the control flow for the toString method is done by the following command line:

barista flow ’java.lang.Object.toString():java.lang.String’

It is important to enclose the signature of the method inside quotes, as otherwise the shell whould interpret the parentheses.
The flow subcommand recognizes the following parameters:

3.4  The graph subcommand

Prints onto the standard output the graph of the passed archives. The graph shows the relationships between the different classes.
The graph subcommand recognizes the following parameters:

3.5  The print subcommand

Prints the contents of the passed Java bytecode class files onto the standard output.
The print subcommand recognizes the following parameters:

3.6  The version subcommand

Prints the current Barista version onto the standard output.
The version subcommand recognizes no parameter.

3.7  The help subcommand

The help subcommand basically writes on the standard error stream all the information contained in the previous sections of this chapter.


Chapter 4  Programming in Barista assembler language

This chapter describes the format of the source files that the Barista assembler accepts. The very same format is used by the Barista disassembler as its output format. This makes it easy to disassemble a class, modify the disassembled source, and then reassemble it. Each file will be assembled to a single class file.

4.1  Lexical elements

The source files used by the Barista assembler are line-oriented (this means that source elements are analyzed line by line). Over a line, elements are whitespace-separated, meaning that whitespaces are meaningful. The different lexical elements are presented below.


are introduced by the # (sharp) character and terminate at the end of the line.

Assembler directives

are introduced by the . (dot) character followed by a non-empty sequence of lowercase letters or underscores e.g. .class.

Element attributes

are introduced by the @ (at) character followed by a non-empty capitalized sequence of letters e.g. @ConstantValue.


are non-empty sequences of letters and digits beginning with a letter and ending with a colon e.g. aLabel3:.

Integer constants

follow the OCaml conventions and thus support decimal notation (e.g. 15), hexadecimal notation (e.g. 0x0F), octal notation (e.g. 0o17) and binary notation (e.g. 0b1111). All notations support embedded underscore characters used for increased readability (such underscore characters are ignored). Integer constants can also be defined using the character notation (e.g. ’a’); this notation supports escaped sequence for ASCII characters (e.g. ’\t’, ’\n’, or ’\\’) as well as for Unicode character in short (e.g. ’\u1234’) and long formats (e.g. ’\U12345678’).

Floating-point constants

follow the OCaml conventions and thus consist of three part: an integral part, a decimal part and an optional exponent part (e.g. -1.234e+2). As for integer constants, embedded underscore characters can be used for readability.

String constants

are presented between " quotes, and support the escaped sequences presented for integer character constants e.g. "abc\tdef".

Class names

should be given in external format, that is using dots between packages/classes and dollars between inner classes (e.g. pack.Cls$Inn for an inner-class Inn of a class named Cls in package pack).

Primitive names

should appear as they would be in a Java source file (e.g. boolean).

Array types

are either a class name or a primitive type name followed by a non-empty list of square brackets [] pairs (e.g. int[][] or java.lang.String[]).

Field references

are defined by a qualified field name followed by a colon and the field type (e.g. java.lang.String.CASE_SENSITIVE_ORDER:java.util.Comparator).

Dynamic method references

are defined by an unqualified method name followed by the parameters between paretheses, then followed by a colon and the return type
e.g. toString():java.lang.String.

Method references

are defined by a qualified method name followed by the parameter types between parentheses, then followed by a colon and the return type
e.g. java.lang.Object.toString():java.lang.String or int[].toString():java.lang.String.

Method signatures

are defined by an unqualified method name followed by the parameter types between parentheses e.g. toString().

Method types

are defined by the parameter types between parentheses, then followed by a colon and the return type e.g. (int,int):void.

Method handles

are defined by a prefix and a suffix separated by a % character. The prefix defines the kind of entity pointed by the handle, while the suffix defines an actual reference to the entity. The possible prefix/suffix combinations are:



are non-empty sequences of letters and digits beginning with a letter e.g. anIdent2.


are simply the character sequence =>, and are used for the encoding of the lookupswitch, and tableswitch cases.


are simply the character ~, and are used as a separator between stack elements and locals in stack frames.

4.2  Assembler directives

The assembler directives define the elements of a Java class as well as their main properties. They are used by the programmer to tell the assembler which elements are part of a class file. The different assembler directives are presented below.

4.2.1  The class directive

Written .class flags name where flags is a list of class flags1 (among public, final, super, interface, abstract, synthetic, annotation, enum), and name is a fully qualified class name. This directive should be the first one of the source file.

4.2.2  The extends directive

Written .extends name where name is a fully qualified class name. This directive sets the class parent and should be present even if the parent is java.lang.Object; this directive may be missing if and only if the class defined by the source file has no parent (it should only be true for the java.lang.Object class).

4.2.3  The implements directive

Written .implements name where name is a fully qualified class name (that should be an interface).

4.2.4  The field directive

Written .field flags type name where flags is a list of field flags (among public, private, protected, static, final, volatile, transient, synthetic, enum), type is either a primitive, a fully qualified class name or an array type, and name is a field name. This directive adds a field to the class.

4.2.5  The method directive

Written .method flags returntype signature where flags is a list of method class flags (among public, private, protected, static, final, synchronized, bridge, varargs, native, abstract, strict, synthetic), returntype is either a primitive, a fully qualified class name, or an array type, and signature is a method signature. This directive adds a method to the class.

4.2.6  The max_stack directive

Written .max_stack n where n is an integer in the interval from 0 to 65535 (both inclusive). This directive sets the maximum stack size for the current method.

4.2.7  The max_locals directive

Written .max_locals n where n is an integer in the interval from 0 to 65535 (both inclusive). This directive sets the maximum local size for the current method.

4.2.8  The catch directive

Written .catch start end handler [name] where start, end and handler are labels refering to respectively the begin and the end of the protected code area, and to the associated exception handler. The optional name is a fully qualified class name giving the name of the exception class to be handled by the code located at handler label; if this name is missing, all exceptions will be caught.

4.2.9  The frame directive

Written .frame l def where l is the label where the frame definition def applies. This directive allows to specify elements for the StackMapFrame attributes of the class file. The frame definition (noted def above) can take of of the following forms:

The t, ti, and tj are type definitions whose possible values are:

4.3  Attributes

The assembler attributes define the properties of a Java element. An attribute is applied to the latest defined Java element by a .class, .field or .method directive. (one should notice that some attributes are only used inside a given element kind). The different elements attributes are presented below.

4.3.1  The ConstantValue attribute

Written @ConstantValue value (for fields only), it defines the initial value of the field. value should be compatible with the field type and can be a float, an integer or a string. A false boolean is coded by a 0 integer while every other values code a true boolean

4.3.2  The Exceptions attribute

Written @Exceptions non-empty-list (for methods only), it defines the list of exceptions (as fully qualified class names) that the method can throw

4.3.3  The InnerClasses attribute

Written @InnerClasses ic oc n flags (for classes only), it adds an inner-class information. ic is the fully qualified name of the inner-class (or 0 if this information is missing), oc is the fully qualified name of the outer-class (or 0 if this information is missing), n is the name of the inner-class in the outer-class (or 0 if this information is missing), flags is a list of inner-class flags (among public, private, protected, static, final, super, interface, abstract, synthetic, annotation, enum)

4.3.4  The EnclosingMethod attribute

Written @EnclosingMethod name meth (for classes only), it adds an enlosing-method information. name is the fully qualified name of the enclosed class, meth is the enclosing method specified as a dynamic method (or 0 if this information is missing)

4.3.5  The Synthetic attribute

Written @Synthetic (for classes, fields, and methods), it marks the element as synthetic (i.e. compiler-generated)

4.3.6  The Signature attribute

Written @Signature string (for classes, fields, and methods), it sets the signature of the element

4.3.7  The SourceFile attribute

Written @SourceFile string (for classes only), it sets the source file name

4.3.8  The SourceDebugExtension attribute

Written @SourceDebugExtension string (for classes only), it sets the source debug extension

4.3.9  The Deprecated attribute

Written @Deprecated (for classes, fields, and methods), it marks the element as deprecated

4.3.10  The RuntimeVisibleAnnotations attribute

Written @RuntimeVisibleAnnotations elems (for classes, fields, and methods), it adds an annotation to the element (the format of annotations is discussed below)

4.3.11  The RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations attribute

Written @RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations elems (for classes, fields, and methods), it adds an annotation to the element (the format of annotations is discussed below)

4.3.12  The RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations attribute

Written @RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations n elems (for methods only), it adds an annotation to the element for the parameter at index n (the format of annotations is discussed below)

4.3.13  The RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations attribute

Written @RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations n elems (for methods only), it adds an annotation to the element for the parameter at index n (the format of annotations is discussed below)

4.3.14  The AnnotationDefault attribute

Written @AnnotationDefault elems (for methods only), it adds an annotation default to the element (the format of annotation defaults is discussed below)

4.3.15  The LineNumberTable attribute

Written @LineNumberTable [n] (for methods only), it maps the current code offset to a line number. The line number is n if provided, otherwise it is the current line of the Barista source file

4.3.16  The LocalVariableTable attribute

Written @LocalVariableTable start end id t idx (for methods only), it adds a type information for a local variable. id and t are the variable identifier and type, idx is its position in the locals, and start (inclusive) and end (exclusive) are labels defining the portion of code where this variable is defined

4.3.17  The LocalVariableTypeTable attribute

Written @LocalVariableTypeTable start end id s idx (for methods only), it adds a type information for a local variable. id and s are the variable identifier and signature, idx is its position in the locals, and start (inclusive) and end (exclusive) are labels defining the portion of code where this variable is defined

4.3.18  The Unknown attribute

Written @Unknown string1 string2 (for classes, fields, and methods), it adds an unknown (i.e. implementation-dependent) attributes to the element. string1 is the identifier of the attribute while string2 is its value

4.4  Annotations

Annotations with their key-value attributes and possibly embedded annotations form a tree-like structure. The Barista assembler sources being line-oriented, annotations are organized in a way such that lines with the same prefix gives informations for the same subtree.
On a line defining an annotation, the first element should be the class of the annotation. This fully qualified class name is followed by the key identifier and its associated value. The value is itself a couple; the first component is the value type while the second component is the actual value. Code sample 4.1 shows an annotation (whose class is pack.AnnotationClass) with two parameters:

Code sample 4.1: Annotation example.
@RuntimeVisibleAnnotation pack.AnnotationClass a string "xzy"
@RuntimeVisibleAnnotation pack.AnnotationClass b float 3.14

The possible types for an annotation attribute are the Java primitive types, extended with the following ones:

Code sample 4.2 shows the previous annotation enriched with three values:

Code sample 4.2: Annotation example.
@RuntimeVisibleAnnotation pack.AnnotationClass a string "xzy"
@RuntimeVisibleAnnotation pack.AnnotationClass b float 3.14
@RuntimeVisibleAnnotation pack.AnnotationClass c 0 int 5
@RuntimeVisibleAnnotation pack.AnnotationClass c 1 int 7
@RuntimeVisibleAnnotation pack.AnnotationClass d annotation java.lang.Deprecated
@RuntimeVisibleAnnotation pack.AnnotationClass e enum pack.EnumClass E1

4.5  Annotation defaults

Annotation defaults closely follow the notation used for annotation, except that leading annotation class name as well as attribute name should be omitted. Code sample 4.3 defines an annotation default whose value is the "xyz" string.

Code sample 4.3: Annotation default example.
@AnnotationDefault string "xyz"

4.6  Instructions

Instructions may, of course, be used only inside methods. An instruction line may contain either a label, or an instruction (along with its parameters), or both. One should refer to the JVM specification for the list of available instructions; this specification also defines the parameters waited by each instruction. The translation of parameters from the specification to their Barista counterpart is straightforward and only detailed in the appendix (one may also read examples and tests cases for samples). When using the wide version of an instruction, one has to use the wide keyword before the instruction.

4.6.1  The switch instructions

Almost all instructions are declared on one line but switch instructions are multi-line ones. Code sample 4.4 shows the syntax used by the tableswitch and lookupswitch instructions. A tableswitch instruction accepts three parameters: a label, and lower and upper bounds. The label is the destination for the default case; the following lines define the destination for the lower bound, the lower bound plus one, and so on until the upper bound.
A lookupswitch instruction accepts two parameters: a label and a number of matchings. The label is the destination for the default case; the following lines define the matchings in the value => label form.

Code sample 4.4: Switch examples.
tableswitch default: 0 2
        => zero:
        => one:
        => two:

lookupswitch default: 3
        0 => zero:
        1 => one:
        2 => two:

4.6.2  The invokedynamic instruction

The invokedynamic instruction is also different from the other ones. Although it is written on one single line, it is particular because unlike others it accepts a variable number of arguments.

invokedynamic bsm bsa0bsan mr


4.7  Example

Code sample 4.5 shows an example of a Barista source file coding a Java class named pack.Test. This class contains two fields (the constants named PREFIX and SUFFIX) as well as two methods (print and main). The main method prints the classical hello world message and then iterates over the elements of the passed string array by applying the print method to each element. In turn, the print method prints each string with the prefix and suffix specified by the PREFIX and SUFFIX field values.

Code sample 4.5: Example of a Barista-coded class file.

.class public final pack.Test
.extends java.lang.Object

.field private static final java.lang.String PREFIX
        @ConstantValue "  - << "

.field private static final java.lang.String SUFFIX
        @ConstantValue " >>"

.method public static void print(java.lang.String)
        getstatic pack.Test.PREFIX: java.lang.String
        invokevirtual void
        invokevirtual :void
        getstatic pack.Test.SUFFIX :java.lang.String
        invokevirtual : void

.method public static void main(java.lang.String[])
        getstatic java.lang.System.out :
        ldc "hello\t... \n\t... \"world\""

        if_icmpeq end:
        invokestatic pack.Test.print(java.lang.String):void
        iinc 1 1
        goto loop:

One should notice that flags discussed in this document are JVM-level flags, and not Java language-level flags. Hence the presence of flag that cannot occur in Java sources.
These indexes do not need to be successive, they are only used to sort the values in order to produce the array.

Chapter 5  Using Barista as an OCaml library

This chapter sheds light on the way the Barista library is organized, and its main modules. First, it explain how to compile a Barista-based application. Then, the library contents is explored. Finally, a complete example demonstrates a practical use of the library.

5.1  Compilation

In order to use Barista as a library, it is sufficient to link the program with either baristaLibrary.cma (bytecode version), baristaLibrary.cmxa (native version), or baristaLibrary.cmja (Java-compiled version). These libraries are crafted in such a way that there is only one top-level module called BaristaLibrary that contains all the modules described by the ocamldoc-generated documentation.
As there are two ways to install Barista (classical installation, and ocamlfind-based installation), there are two ways to compile a program which are explained in the following two section.

5.1.1  Under classical installation

In order to compile the source files presented in this chapter, one of the following commands should be used (where “” is the program to be compiled):

5.1.2  Under ocamlfind installation

In order to compile the source files presented in this chapter, one of the following commands should be used:

5.2  Overview of the library

5.2.1  Organization of the source base

Although all modules are packed into one, namely BaristaLibrary, the source directory is organized in subsdirectories corresponding to the areas covered by the library.
These directories are:

5.2.2  Description of the main modules

The complete documentation for the library can be generated by issuing make doc after a successful compilation; the produced documentation is located in the ocamldoc subdirectory. The remainder of this section provides a quick overview of the main modules in the different areas.
The main utility modules in common are:

The main utility modules in helpers are:

The main utility modules in classfile are:

Additionally, other modules provide types representing the class file elements. Each class file element comes in two flavours: a low-level form (as close as possible to the class file format) and a high-level form (as expressive as can be). Table 5.1 gives the types for these elements.

ElementLow-level formHigh-level form
Table 5.1: Mapping of Java elements to Barista types.

The main utility modules in analysis are:

The main utility modules in tools are:

5.3  Complete example

Code sample 5.1 shows an example of an OCaml program using Barista to produce a file named Hello.class containing the definition of a class named example.Hello. This class contains only a main method that prints “hello.” on the standard output.
Here are the key points of this example, in the order they appear in the source file:

Code sample 5.1: Using Barista to produce a class file from an OCaml program.
open BaristaLibrary
open Utils

let utf8 = UTF8.of_string
let utf8_for_class x = Name.make_for_class_from_external (utf8 x)
let utf8_for_field x = Name.make_for_field (utf8 x)
let utf8_for_method x = Name.make_for_method (utf8 x)

let example_Hello = utf8_for_class "example.Hello"
let java_lang_Object = utf8_for_class "java.lang.Object"
let java_lang_System = utf8_for_class "java.lang.System"
let java_lang_String = utf8_for_class "java.lang.String"
let java_io_PrintStream = utf8_for_class ""
let out = utf8_for_field "out"
let println = utf8_for_method "println"
let main = utf8_for_method "main"

let () =
  let instructions = [
    Instruction.GETSTATIC (java_lang_System, out, `Class java_io_PrintStream);
    Instruction.LDC (`String (utf8 "hello."));
    Instruction.INVOKEVIRTUAL (`Class_or_interface java_io_PrintStream,
                               ([`Class java_lang_String], `Void));
  ] in
  let code = {
    Attribute.max_stack = u2 2;
    Attribute.max_locals = u2 1;
    Attribute.code = instructions;
    Attribute.exception_table = [];
    Attribute.attributes = [];
  } in
  let main_method =
    Method.Regular { Method.flags = [`Public; `Static]; 
            = main;
                     Method.descriptor = [`Array (`Class java_lang_String)], `Void;
                     Method.attributes = [`Code code] } in
  let hello = {
    ClassDefinition.access_flags = [`Public; `Super]; = example_Hello;
    ClassDefinition.extends = Some java_lang_Object;
    ClassDefinition.implements = [];
    ClassDefinition.fields = [];
    ClassDefinition.methods = [main_method];
    ClassDefinition.attributes = [];
  } in
  let cf = ClassDefinition.encode hello in
  ClassFile.write cf (OutputStream.make_of_channel (open_out "Hello.class"))

Appendix A  Instructions and related parameters

This appendix summarizes, in alphabetical order, the instructions recognized by the Barista assembler. For a complete description, one should refer to the JVM documentation provided by Oracle®.
For various examples of actual uses, one is advised to check either the samples in the examples subdirectory, or the sources used as unit tests (they can be found in the tests subdirectory of the Barista source distribution).

aaload — load reference from array
opcode: 0x32
no parameter

aastore — store into reference array
opcode: 0x53
no parameter

aconst_null — push null
opcode: 0x01
no parameter

aload — load reference from local variable
opcode: 0x19
parameter #1: local index (unsigned 8-bit integer)

aload_0 — load reference from local variable
opcode: 0x2A
no parameter

aload_1 — load reference from local variable
opcode: 0x2B
no parameter

aload_2 — load reference from local variable
opcode: 0x2C
no parameter

aload_3 — load reference from local variable
opcode: 0x2D
no parameter

anewarray — create new array of references
opcode: 0xBD
parameter #1: element type (class name, or array type)

areturn — return reference from method
opcode: 0xB0
no parameter

arraylength — get length of array
opcode: 0xBE
no parameter

astore — store reference into local variable
opcode: 0x3A
parameter #1: local index (unsigned 8-bit integer)

astore_0 — store reference into local variable
opcode: 0x4B
no parameter

astore_1 — store reference into local variable
opcode: 0x4C
no parameter

astore_2 — store reference into local variable
opcode: 0x4D
no parameter

astore_3 — store reference into local variable
opcode: 0x4E
no parameter

athrow — throw exception or error
opcode: 0xBF
no parameter

baload — load byte or boolean from array
opcode: 0x33
no parameter

bastore — store into byte or boolean array
opcode: 0x54
no parameter

bipush — push byte
opcode: 0x10
parameter #1: byte value (signed 8-bit integer)

caload — load char from array
opcode: 0x34
no parameter

castore — store into char array
opcode: 0x55
no parameter

checkcast — check whether object is of given type
opcode: 0xC0
parameter #1: type to test against (class name, or array type)

d2f — convert double to float
opcode: 0x90
no parameter

d2i — convert double to int
opcode: 0x8E
no parameter

d2l — convert double to long
opcode: 0x8F
no parameter

dadd — add double
opcode: 0x63
no parameter

daload — load double from array
opcode: 0x31
no parameter

dastore — store into double array
opcode: 0x52
no parameter

dcmpg — compare double
opcode: 0x98
no parameter

dcmpl — compare double
opcode: 0x97
no parameter

dconst_0 — push double
opcode: 0x0E
no parameter

dconst_1 — push double
opcode: 0x0F
no parameter

ddiv — divide double
opcode: 0x6F
no parameter

dload — load double from local variable
opcode: 0x18
parameter #1: local index (unsigned 8-bit integer)

dload_0 — load double from local variable
opcode: 0x26
no parameter

dload_1 — load double from local variable
opcode: 0x27
no parameter

dload_2 — load double from local variable
opcode: 0x28
no parameter

dload_3 — load double from local variable
opcode: 0x29
no parameter

dmul — multiply double
opcode: 0x6B
no parameter

dneg — negate double
opcode: 0x77
no parameter

drem — remainder double
opcode: 0x73
no parameter

dreturn — return double from method
opcode: 0xAF
no parameter

dstore — store double into local variable
opcode: 0x39
parameter #1: local index (unsigned 8-bit integer)

dstore_0 — store double into local variable
opcode: 0x47
no parameter

dstore_1 — store double into local variable
opcode: 0x48
no parameter

dstore_2 — store double into local variable
opcode: 0x49
no parameter

dstore_3 — store double into local variable
opcode: 0x4A
no parameter

dsub — subtract double
opcode: 0x67
no parameter

dup — duplicate the top operand stack value
opcode: 0x59
no parameter

dup2 — duplicate the top one or two operand stack values
opcode: 0x5C
no parameter

dup2_x1 — duplicate the top one or two operand stack values and insert two or three values down
opcode: 0x5D
no parameter

dup2_x2 — duplicate the top one or two operand stack values and insert two, three, or four values down
opcode: 0x5E
no parameter

dup_x1 — duplicate the top operand stack value and insert two values down
opcode: 0x5A
no parameter

dup_x2 — duplicate the top operand stack value and insert two or threee values down
opcode: 0x5B
no parameter

f2d — convert float to double
opcode: 0x8D
no parameter

f2i — convert float to int
opcode: 0x8B
no parameter

f2l — convert float to long
opcode: 0x8C
no parameter

fadd — add float
opcode: 0x62
no parameter

faload — load float from array
opcode: 0x30
no parameter

fastore — store into float array
opcode: 0x51
no parameter

fcmpg — compare float
opcode: 0x96
no parameter

fcmpl — compare float
opcode: 0x95
no parameter

fconst_0 — push float
opcode: 0x0B
no parameter

fconst_1 — push float
opcode: 0x0C
no parameter

fconst_2 — push float
opcode: 0x0D
no parameter

fdiv — divide float
opcode: 0x6E
no parameter

fload — load float from local variable
opcode: 0x17
parameter #1: local index (unsigned 8-bit integer)

fload_0 — load float from local variable
opcode: 0x22
no parameter

fload_1 — load float from local variable
opcode: 0x23
no parameter

fload_2 — load float from local variable
opcode: 0x24
no parameter

fload_3 — load float from local variable
opcode: 0x25
no parameter

fmul — multiply float
opcode: 0x6A
no parameter

fneg — negate float
opcode: 0x76
no parameter

frem — remainder float
opcode: 0x72
no parameter

freturn — return float from method
opcode: 0xAE
no parameter

fstore — store float into local variable
opcode: 0x38
parameter #1: local index (unsigned 8-bit integer)

fstore_0 — store float into local variable
opcode: 0x43
no parameter

fstore_1 — store float into local variable
opcode: 0x44
no parameter

fstore_2 — store float into local variable
opcode: 0x45
no parameter

fstore_3 — store float into local variable
opcode: 0x46
no parameter

fsub — subtract float
opcode: 0x66
no parameter

getfield — fetch field from object
opcode: 0xB4
parameter #1: field to get (field reference)

getstatic — get static field from class
opcode: 0xB2
parameter #1: field to get (field reference)

goto — branch always
opcode: 0xA7
parameter #1: destination offset (label)

goto_w — branch always
opcode: 0xC8
parameter #1: destination offset (label)

i2b — convert int to byte
opcode: 0x91
no parameter

i2c — convert int to char
opcode: 0x92
no parameter

i2d — convert int to double
opcode: 0x87
no parameter

i2f — convert int to float
opcode: 0x86
no parameter

i2l — convert int to long
opcode: 0x85
no parameter

i2s — convert int to short
opcode: 0x93
no parameter

iadd — add int
opcode: 0x60
no parameter

iaload — load int from array
opcode: 0x2E
no parameter

iand — boolean AND int
opcode: 0x7E
no parameter

iastore — store into int array
opcode: 0x4F
no parameter

iconst_0 — push int constant
opcode: 0x03
no parameter

iconst_1 — push int constant
opcode: 0x04
no parameter

iconst_2 — push int constant
opcode: 0x05
no parameter

iconst_3 — push int constant
opcode: 0x06
no parameter

iconst_4 — push int constant
opcode: 0x07
no parameter

iconst_5 — push int constant
opcode: 0x08
no parameter

iconst_m1 — push int constant
opcode: 0x02
no parameter

idiv — divide int
opcode: 0x6C
no parameter

if_acmpeq — branch if reference comparison succeeds
opcode: 0xA5
parameter #1: destination offset (label)

if_acmpne — branch if reference comparison succeeds
opcode: 0xA6
parameter #1: destination offset (label)

if_icmpeq — branch if int comparison succeeds
opcode: 0x9F
parameter #1: destination offset (label)

if_icmpge — branch if int comparison succeeds
opcode: 0xA2
parameter #1: destination offset (label)

if_icmpgt — branch if int comparison succeeds
opcode: 0xA3
parameter #1: destination offset (label)

if_icmple — branch if int comparison succeeds
opcode: 0xA4
parameter #1: destination offset (label)

if_icmplt — branch if int comparison succeeds
opcode: 0xA1
parameter #1: destination offset (label)

if_icmpne — branch if int comparison succeeds
opcode: 0xA0
parameter #1: destination offset (label)

ifeq — branch if int comparison with zero succeeds
opcode: 0x99
parameter #1: destination offset (label)

ifge — branch if int comparison with zero succeeds
opcode: 0x9C
parameter #1: destination offset (label)

ifgt — branch if int comparison with zero succeeds
opcode: 0x9D
parameter #1: destination offset (label)

ifle — branch if int comparison with zero succeeds
opcode: 0x9E
parameter #1: destination offset (label)

iflt — branch if int comparison with zero succeeds
opcode: 0x9B
parameter #1: destination offset (label)

ifne — branch if int comparison with zero succeeds
opcode: 0x9A
parameter #1: destination offset (label)

ifnonnull — branch if reference not null
opcode: 0xC7
parameter #1: destination offset (label)

ifnull — branch if reference not null
opcode: 0xC6
parameter #1: destination offset (label)

iinc — increment local variable by constant
opcode: 0x84
parameter #1: local index (unsigned 8-bit integer)
parameter #2: increment value (signed 8-bit integer)

iload — load int from local variable
opcode: 0x15
parameter #1: local index (unsigned 8-bit integer)

iload_0 — load int from local variable
opcode: 0x1A
no parameter

iload_1 — load int from local variable
opcode: 0x1B
no parameter

iload_2 — load int from local variable
opcode: 0x1C
no parameter

iload_3 — load int from local variable
opcode: 0x1D
no parameter

imul — multiply int
opcode: 0x68
no parameter

ineg — negate int
opcode: 0x74
no parameter

instanceof — determine if object is of given type
opcode: 0xC1
parameter #1: type to test against (class name, or array type)

invokedynamic — invoke instance method; resolve and dispatch based on class
opcode: 0xBA
parameter #1: method to invoke (dynamic method reference)

invokeinterface — invoke interface method
opcode: 0xB9
parameter #1: method to invoke (method reference)
parameter #2: parameter count (unsigned 8-bit integer)

invokespecial — invoke instance method; special handling for superclass, private, and instance initialization method invocations
opcode: 0xB7
parameter #1: method to invoke (method reference)

invokestatic — invoke a class (static) method
opcode: 0xB8
parameter #1: method to invoke (method reference)

invokevirtual — invoke instance method; dispatch based on class
opcode: 0xB6
parameter #1: method to invoke (method reference)

ior — boolean OR int
opcode: 0x80
no parameter

irem — remainder int
opcode: 0x70
no parameter

ireturn — return int from method
opcode: 0xAC
no parameter

ishl — shift left int
opcode: 0x78
no parameter

ishr — arithmetic shift right int
opcode: 0x7A
no parameter

istore — store int into local variable
opcode: 0x36
parameter #1: local index (unsigned 8-bit integer)

istore_0 — store int into local variable
opcode: 0x3B
no parameter

istore_1 — store int into local variable
opcode: 0x3C
no parameter

istore_2 — store int into local variable
opcode: 0x3D
no parameter

istore_3 — store int into local variable
opcode: 0x3E
no parameter

isub — subtract int
opcode: 0x64
no parameter

iushr — logical shift right int
opcode: 0x7C
no parameter

ixor — boolean XOR int
opcode: 0x82
no parameter

jsr — jump subroutine
opcode: 0xA8
parameter #1: destination offset (label)

jsr_w — jump subroutine (wide index)
opcode: 0xC9
parameter #1: destination offset (label)

l2d — convert long to double
opcode: 0x8A
no parameter

l2f — convert long to float
opcode: 0x89
no parameter

l2i — convert long to int
opcode: 0x88
no parameter

ladd — add long
opcode: 0x61
no parameter

laload — load long from array
opcode: 0x2F
no parameter

land — boolean AND long
opcode: 0x7F
no parameter

lastore — store into long array
opcode: 0x50
no parameter

lcmp — compare long
opcode: 0x94
no parameter

lconst_0 — push long constant
opcode: 0x09
no parameter

lconst_1 — push long constant
opcode: 0x0A
no parameter

ldc — push item from runtime constant pool
opcode: 0x12
parameter #1: value to be pushed (signed 32-bit integer, or float, or string literal, or class name, or array type, or method type constant, or method handle constant)

ldc2_w — push long or double from runtime constant pool (wide index)
opcode: 0x14
parameter #1: value to be pushed (signed 64-bit integer, or float)

ldc_w — push item from runtime constant pool (wide index)
opcode: 0x13
parameter #1: value to be pushed (signed 32-bit integer, or float, or string literal, or class name, or array type, or method type constant, or method handle constant)

ldiv — divide long
opcode: 0x6D
no parameter

lload — load long from local variable
opcode: 0x16
parameter #1: local index (unsigned 8-bit integer)

lload_0 — load long from local variable
opcode: 0x1E
no parameter

lload_1 — load long from local variable
opcode: 0x1F
no parameter

lload_2 — load long from local variable
opcode: 0x20
no parameter

lload_3 — load long from local variable
opcode: 0x21
no parameter

lmul — multiply long
opcode: 0x69
no parameter

lneg — negate long
opcode: 0x75
no parameter

lookupswitch — access jump table by key match and jump
opcode: 0xAB
parameter #1: default destination offset (label)
parameter #2: number of key, offset pairs (signed 32-bit integer)
parameter #3: key, offset pairs (list of (match, label) pairs)

lor — boolean OR long
opcode: 0x81
no parameter

lrem — remainder long
opcode: 0x71
no parameter

lreturn — return long from method
opcode: 0xAD
no parameter

lshl — shift left long
opcode: 0x79
no parameter

lshr — arithmetic shift right long
opcode: 0x7B
no parameter

lstore — store long into local variable
opcode: 0x37
parameter #1: local index (unsigned 8-bit integer)

lstore_0 — store long into local variable
opcode: 0x3F
no parameter

lstore_1 — store long into local variable
opcode: 0x40
no parameter

lstore_2 — store long into local variable
opcode: 0x41
no parameter

lstore_3 — store long into local variable
opcode: 0x42
no parameter

lsub — subtract long
opcode: 0x65
no parameter

lushr — logical shift right long
opcode: 0x7D
no parameter

lxor — boolean XOR long
opcode: 0x83
no parameter

monitorenter — enter monitor for object
opcode: 0xC2
no parameter

monitorexit — exit monitor for object
opcode: 0xC3
no parameter

multianewarray — create new multidimensional array
opcode: 0xC5
parameter #1: element type (class name, or array type)
parameter #2: number of dimensions (unsigned 8-bit integer)

new — create new object
opcode: 0xBB
parameter #1: type to create (class name)

newarray — create new arrayhandler
opcode: 0xBC
parameter #1: element type (primitive array type)

nop — do nothing
opcode: 0x00
no parameter

pop — pop the top operand stack value
opcode: 0x57
no parameter

pop2 — pop the top one or two operand stack values
opcode: 0x58
no parameter

putfield — set field in object
opcode: 0xB5
parameter #1: field to set (field reference)

putstatic — set static field in class
opcode: 0xB3
parameter #1: field to set (field reference)

ret — return from subroutine
opcode: 0xA9
parameter #1: local index (unsigned 8-bit integer)

return — return void from method
opcode: 0xB1
no parameter

saload — load short from array
opcode: 0x35
no parameter

sastore — store into short array
opcode: 0x56
no parameter

sipush — push short
opcode: 0x11
parameter #1: short value (signed 16-bit integer)

swap — swap the top two operand stack values
opcode: 0x5F
no parameter

tableswitch — access jump table by index and jump
opcode: 0xAA
parameter #1: default destination offset (label)
parameter #2: lower bound (signed 32-bit integer)
parameter #3: higher bound (signed 32-bit integer)
parameter #4: destination offsets (list of labels)

wide aload — load reference from local variable
opcode: 0xC4 followed by 0x19
parameter #1: local index (unsigned 16-bit integer)

wide astore — store reference into local variable
opcode: 0xC4 followed by 0x3A
parameter #1: local index (unsigned 16-bit integer)

wide dload — load double from local variable
opcode: 0xC4 followed by 0x18
parameter #1: local index (unsigned 16-bit integer)

wide dstore — store double into local variable
opcode: 0xC4 followed by 0x39
parameter #1: local index (unsigned 16-bit integer)

wide fload — load float from local variable
opcode: 0xC4 followed by 0x17
parameter #1: local index (unsigned 16-bit integer)

wide fstore — store float into local variable
opcode: 0xC4 followed by 0x38
parameter #1: local index (unsigned 16-bit integer)

wide iinc — increment local variable by constant
opcode: 0xC4 followed by 0x84
parameter #1: local index (unsigned 16-bit integer)
parameter #2: increment value (signed 16-bit integer)

wide iload — load int from local variable
opcode: 0xC4 followed by 0x15
parameter #1: local index (unsigned 16-bit integer)

wide istore — store int into local variable
opcode: 0xC4 followed by 0x36
parameter #1: local index (unsigned 16-bit integer)

wide lload — load long from local variable
opcode: 0xC4 followed by 0x16
parameter #1: local index (unsigned 16-bit integer)

wide lstore — store long into local variable
opcode: 0xC4 followed by 0x37
parameter #1: local index (unsigned 16-bit integer)

wide ret — return from subroutine
opcode: 0xC4 followed by 0xA9
parameter #1: local index (unsigned 16-bit integer)

Appendix B  Instructions by categories

This appendix lists the instructions grouped by categories, allowing easy search for a given operation. Categories overlaps, as a given instruction belongs to several categories; example: fconst_0 is both related to constants and to floats.
Hyperlinks allow navigation to the previous appendix.

Array creations and accesses

Arithmetic operations

Comparison operations

Control flow instructions


Exception-related instructions

Field-related instructions


Access to local variables

Logical operations

Method calls

Instructions over monitors

Method returns

Stack manipulation

Operations over booleans

Operations over bytes

Operations over chars

Operations over doubles

Operations over floats

Operations over ints

Operations over longs

Operations over references

Operations over shorts

Appendix C  Instructions by opcode

This appendix lists the instructions sorted by opcode.
Hyperlinks allow navigation to the first appendix.
0x00 : nop
0x01 : aconst_null
0x02 : iconst_m1
0x03 : iconst_0
0x04 : iconst_1
0x05 : iconst_2
0x06 : iconst_3
0x07 : iconst_4
0x08 : iconst_5
0x09 : lconst_0
0x0A : lconst_1
0x0B : fconst_0
0x0C : fconst_1
0x0D : fconst_2
0x0E : dconst_0
0x0F : dconst_1
0x10 : bipush
0x11 : sipush
0x12 : ldc
0x13 : ldc_w
0x14 : ldc2_w
0x15 : iload
0x16 : lload
0x17 : fload
0x18 : dload
0x19 : aload
0x1A : iload_0
0x1B : iload_1
0x1C : iload_2
0x1D : iload_3
0x1E : lload_0
0x1F : lload_1
0x20 : lload_2
0x21 : lload_3
0x22 : fload_0
0x23 : fload_1
0x24 : fload_2
0x25 : fload_3
0x26 : dload_0
0x27 : dload_1
0x28 : dload_2
0x29 : dload_3
0x2A : aload_0
0x2B : aload_1
0x2C : aload_2
0x2D : aload_3
0x2E : iaload
0x2F : laload
0x30 : faload
0x31 : daload
0x32 : aaload
0x33 : baload
0x34 : caload
0x35 : saload
0x36 : istore
0x37 : lstore
0x38 : fstore
0x39 : dstore
0x3A : astore
0x3B : istore_0
0x3C : istore_1
0x3D : istore_2
0x3E : istore_3
0x3F : lstore_0
0x40 : lstore_1
0x41 : lstore_2
0x42 : lstore_3
0x43 : fstore_0
0x44 : fstore_1
0x45 : fstore_2
0x46 : fstore_3
0x47 : dstore_0
0x48 : dstore_1
0x49 : dstore_2
0x4A : dstore_3
0x4B : astore_0
0x4C : astore_1
0x4D : astore_2
0x4E : astore_3
0x4F : iastore
0x50 : lastore
0x51 : fastore
0x52 : dastore
0x53 : aastore
0x54 : bastore
0x55 : castore
0x56 : sastore
0x57 : pop
0x58 : pop2
0x59 : dup
0x5A : dup_x1
0x5B : dup_x2
0x5C : dup2
0x5D : dup2_x1
0x5E : dup2_x2
0x5F : swap
0x60 : iadd
0x61 : ladd
0x62 : fadd
0x63 : dadd
0x64 : isub
0x65 : lsub
0x66 : fsub
0x67 : dsub
0x68 : imul
0x69 : lmul
0x6A : fmul
0x6B : dmul
0x6C : idiv
0x6D : ldiv
0x6E : fdiv
0x6F : ddiv
0x70 : irem
0x71 : lrem
0x72 : frem
0x73 : drem
0x74 : ineg
0x75 : lneg
0x76 : fneg
0x77 : dneg
0x78 : ishl
0x79 : lshl
0x7A : ishr
0x7B : lshr
0x7C : iushr
0x7D : lushr
0x7E : iand
0x7F : land
0x80 : ior
0x81 : lor
0x82 : ixor
0x83 : lxor
0x84 : iinc
0x85 : i2l
0x86 : i2f
0x87 : i2d
0x88 : l2i
0x89 : l2f
0x8A : l2d
0x8B : f2i
0x8C : f2l
0x8D : f2d
0x8E : d2i
0x8F : d2l
0x90 : d2f
0x91 : i2b
0x92 : i2c
0x93 : i2s
0x94 : lcmp
0x95 : fcmpl
0x96 : fcmpg
0x97 : dcmpl
0x98 : dcmpg
0x99 : ifeq
0x9A : ifne
0x9B : iflt
0x9C : ifge
0x9D : ifgt
0x9E : ifle
0x9F : if_icmpeq
0xA0 : if_icmpne
0xA1 : if_icmplt
0xA2 : if_icmpge
0xA3 : if_icmpgt
0xA4 : if_icmple
0xA5 : if_acmpeq
0xA6 : if_acmpne
0xA7 : goto
0xA8 : jsr
0xA9 : ret
0xAA : tableswitch
0xAB : lookupswitch
0xAC : ireturn
0xAD : lreturn
0xAE : freturn
0xAF : dreturn
0xB0 : areturn
0xB1 : return
0xB2 : getstatic
0xB3 : putstatic
0xB4 : getfield
0xB5 : putfield
0xB6 : invokevirtual
0xB7 : invokespecial
0xB8 : invokestatic
0xB9 : invokeinterface
0xBA : invokedynamic
0xBB : new
0xBC : newarray
0xBD : anewarray
0xBE : arraylength
0xBF : athrow
0xC0 : checkcast
0xC1 : instanceof
0xC2 : monitorenter
0xC3 : monitorexit
0xC5 : multianewarray
0xC6 : ifnull
0xC7 : ifnonnull
0xC8 : goto_w
0xC9 : jsr_w
0xC4 0x15 : wide iload
0xC4 0x16 : wide lload
0xC4 0x17 : wide fload
0xC4 0x18 : wide dload
0xC4 0x19 : wide aload
0xC4 0x36 : wide istore
0xC4 0x37 : wide lstore
0xC4 0x38 : wide fstore
0xC4 0x39 : wide dstore
0xC4 0x3A : wide astore
0xC4 0x84 : wide iinc
0xC4 0xA9 : wide ret

Appendix D  Syntax extension

This appendix presents the syntax extension used throughout the Barista project. The OCaml syntax is extended along two dimensions:

D.1  Unicode constants

The syntax extension provides two literal notations that can be used either as expression or pattern :

The first notation is expanded to Utils.UTF8.of_string, while the second is expanded to Utils.UChar.of_char. When used as a pattern, the first notation uses Utils.UTF8.equal to compare values, while the second one uses Utils.UChar.equal.


the pattern notation can only be used for a simple pattern, but not for a composed pattern (whether in a bare tuple, or inside a constructor). However, the pattern notation can be used in conjonction with a when clause.

D.2  Exception pattern

The exception pattern is the factorization of the following code, used to define an exception per module:

type error =
  | ...

exception Exception of error

let fail e = raise (Exception e)

let string_of_error = function
  | ...

let () =
      | Exception e -> Some (string_of_error e)
      | _ -> None)

The syntax extension avoid duplucation of constructor declarations (marked by ... ellipsis in the code above) through the following notation:

| O -> "o"
| A of (x : int) -> Printf.sprintf "%d" x
| B of (y : float) * (z : string) * (t : char)-> Printf.sprintf "%f %S %C" y z t

that will be expanded to:

type error = | O | A of int | B of float * string * char

exception Exception of error
let fail e = raise (Exception e)
let string_of_error e =
  match e with
  | O -> "o"
  | A x -> Printf.sprintf "%d" x
  | B ((y, z, t)) -> Printf.sprintf "%f %S %C" y z t
let () =
    (function | Exception e -> Some (string_of_error e) | _ -> None)

A similar notation is available in module interfaces, without the names of the constructors components:

| O
| A of int
| B of float * string * char

will be expanded to:

type error = | O | A of int | B of float * string * char

exception Exception of error
val string_of_error : error -> string

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